Blogging to the Bank-3 Steps to Create A Converting Blog Post
By: Ashley Mcallister
By now, you should know that blogging is a very good way to make money online. In fact there are many people right now on the internet that are making a full time income in doing so. A problem that some bloggers have is how to create a good blog post. Without a good blog post your blog will never get the point across.
Its one thing to get people to come to your blog, it is another to get people to stay and read your blog as well. In order to get people to stay and read your posts I would like to go over some ways that you can make changes to your posts so you can make the sales you need.
Here are some ways to keep your blog posts alive and people to want to keep coming back for more:
1. Attention Grabbers from Your Titles
The title says everything! With a boring headline, who would want to stick around to read your blog? When you are searching for some information online for lets say weight loss, would you choose the title "How to lose weight" or "7 Tips to Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle for Life"? Obviously the second one because it seems more interesting.
Another thing, I know were trying to rank well in the search engines, but you can just go stuffing keywords into your titles as well. This can hurt you id every title has a keyword in it. You don’t want to look like your spamming keywords. Change the keywords up a bit.
2. Conversational Post
When you are writing your content, you do not have to worry about your teacher grading you on your work. You want to get your point across and the best way to do it is by talking to the people like they are your friends. Using a large vocabulary of words will sometimes intimidate people and will tend to leave your blog post. Another thing, you should never try and sell anything in your posts because then people will tend to steer away from that as well.
3. Send Traffic to Your Blog Posts
To receive more credibility to your blog, you should take the URL to the post you just made and then send traffic to it. It is good to send traffic by using social bookmarking sites as you can receive a sudden urge of traffic that way.
For more information check out my: Blogging to the bank Review. If you are wondering what the Blogging to the bank Ebook may be, it has said to be a 7 step blogging for profits blueprint.

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