Why is 'Porn Comments' Suddenly Appearing On My Blog?
By: Neil Macdonald
I started my blog this past December. Of course, I was at the bottom of all search engines status. Gradually as I developed my site, I found that I was getting the odd comment on a post from undesirable sites.
As I published more and more posts, the number of comments from porn sites increased. I am very lucky that I am using wordpress and that it contains a plug in that allows me to approve or disapprove all comments from everyone before they are published.
If you are a blogger and do not have a plug in that will filter out spam, you could be in trouble, if you do not wish to have such comments published on your blogs. If you do not have a spam comment blocker then you should go into you list of comment on your blog, frequently, and remove theses offensive comment. If you click on my blog below, you will immediately notice that comments from porn sites definitely do not go with my content.
Does anyone out there know of any other method that an inexperienced blogger can use to keep control of this problem?
Don't get me wrong, if you want to put up a porn site go ahead and do it please but do not try and link back to sites that have content that is a million miles away from what you are promoting. If my site visitors or I want to look at porn, we know where to find it but do not force us to view it on my blog.
It is bad enough to get hundred of spam a day in Emails but to think that now we are going to get hundred of comments in our blogs is depressing. Last night, I had to delete 17 comments to a post from such sites and unbelievably one contained 20 links to different porn pages.
Advice to beginner blogger like me, install some type of spam control for your comment section of your blog. If you cannot, then check your comment section at least once a day.
Perhaps some very experienced blogger out there can suggest to us novices of how to control this problem.

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