The Popularity of Blogs
By: Jeremy Long Chia Teik
Blogs are hot in demand. Blogging is the current craze in communication over the internet. The web horizon is alive with active blogging activities, indulged in by people with different cultures from all over the world. The involvement with blogging is occupying much of the blogger's time. Efforts spent on the blog reveal admirable results in terms of good content that is varied and of depth offering appeal and enjoyment to readers.
The popularity of blogs can be attributed to the following reasons:
(1) Blogs are easy to use
Blogs have the support from standardized technologies . Blogging can be done with real ease. Publishing content on the web can now be done with any hassle. Additionally, each blog can reference the information on other blogs. Blogs provide the bloggers with the opportunity to provide comments easily on other blog posts. This process opens up the opportunity to build good relationships. The relative ease in writing your thoughts and posting them for other bloggers to read certainly goes well with bloggers.
(2) Blogs are easily set up
There are numerous blogging software that will support the easy set up of any blog. Technological knowledge or expertise is not a prerequisite in setting up the blog. These blogging software additionally supports bloggers in many other areas such as keeping shared record of their work easily and convenient posting of comments.
(3) Blog owners are real humans
Behind every blog is a real human being. Each blog owner is different in many ways from the others. Blogging has brought people of different cultures together through communicating on their blogs. The reason is because the blog is basically approachable. Blogs encourage dialog which is so vital to the development of relationships amongst bloggers. The blog requires the human voice, and this makes blogging exceptionally special in terms of personalization through each blog. These factors actually increase the popularity of blogs today.
(4) Good networking communities are created by blogs
It is inherent in the culture of blogging that bloggers communicate with one another via link lists, their personal posts and through the posting of their comments on the blogs of others. This process supports the dissemination of information as well as making referencing of other bloggers' information very much easy. The interchange of information and knowledge brings bloggers closer together. The opportunity to build mutual understanding, trust and cordial relationship increases as the networking mechanism develops.
(5) Conversational culture of blogs
Blogs allow bloggers to speak with personal voices. Conversations are easily created and distributed, giving rise to the much desired network that every blogger would love to start. The conversational culture of blogging brings out the true spirit of blogging. Bloggers speak with honesty and transparency. They want the conversations to be true and real in terms of sincerity and meaning. The conversations can be carried elsewhere beyond the blog itself. In effect, the blog will readily support the connection of bloggers with similar interests.
(6) Blogs are well-loved by search engines
Search engines love blogs intensely. The main reasons are that blogs usually contain many keyword-rich pages and constantly updated content. These content are often appropriately linked to other content, and this actually increases the popularity of blogs. Blogs that have a fair amount of incoming links certainly indicate that their content is well-written, relevant and well-received, and that their credibility will be positively assessed by search engines. Blogs that show good content indicates their authority on the subject.
(7) Blogs are versatile
Blogs make communication real and easy. They are versatile by nature. It is so convenient to make announcements, put up event calendars and to conduct exchange of information and knowledge. Technologies have benefited blogs immensely. Blogs provide good opportunities for better web visibility and syndication. Readers benefit from the easy access to other new information that they need from other blogs without having to disclose their email addresses.
Blogs are used for personal and corporate intentions. Many technologies in their synergy have made blogs where they are today. The communication scenario on the internet has improved dramatically, and this is attributed solely to the popularity of blogs.
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