Promote Your Blog--with Entrecard
By: Joe Hunley
Entrecard--What Is It:
Entrecard is a Blogging Community that exchanges Business Cards in the form of Widgets with other members. Joining Entrecard is Free, and you can have more than one Blog listed if you desire. Once you are a member--you can view the numerous Blogs listed in the many categories, and "Drop your Card" on their Blog, in turn they can return the favor and Drop on your Blog. Dropping your Business card on others Blogs increase your Credits, which you can use to advertise on other members Sites. These credits will vary depending on the Blog you want to advertise on. As you increase your popularity and standing in the community, the cost to advertise on your Blog will increase. The Ads that you purchase will be placed for 24 hours--so--anyone visiting their Blog will have the change to Click on your Site.
Benefit's of Entrecard:
A certain benefit is the increase of traffic you will receive. Other members will be Dropping their cards on your site to increase their credits, hoping that you will return the favor. There is also the increase in traffic from non-members visiting the Entrecard Site. Upon selecting a category, they will be presented with a list of Widget's to choose from. Make sure your Widget is designed to draw attention, and keep dropping cards so that your Widget gets a higher ranking' the closer you are to the top--the better the chances of someone visiting your Blog.
As an added benefit, you can view several Blogs on one Site---this allows you to see how others design and promote their Blogs, Giving you ideas to improve yours.
Thing's to Remember:
You MUST spend the time dropping as many cards as you can. Everyone who receives your card will not always return the favor. Not everyone visiting your Blog will be interested in viewing your Content, many will be there just to drop their card and earn a Credit. Keep your Content updated and interesting--If people subscribe to your Blog, they want to see something new.
If you feel that your Widget does not Interest people---Change it. Decided to list another Blog also? Keep in mind that each Blog has a different account--You will have to drop cards for Both.
If you are willing to spend the time visiting other Blogs and dropping your card, you will notice an increase in traffic visiting yours. This increase is traffic could benefit your ranking in Alexa and Google.
I use Entrecard to promote my blog and have found that the time invested was worth the return.
So--Visit Entrecard--it's Free--Easy to use, and Effective, and feel free to drop a card on my Blog
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