The 3 Most Critical Mistakes of Article Marketing That Can Make or Break Your Internet Marketing Business (part I)
Author: Kelvin Lee
Did you know that... article marketing is one of the best methods to generate traffic to any internet business? Other than its effectiveness, it is also a method which can be done with no money down.
There are a lot of marketers who simply submit 3 to 4 articles to 1 or 2 article directories thinking that it can drive them tremendous traffic to their site. Once they see that there is no result from their 3 or 4 articles submission, they decided that article marketing doesn't works. I am not talking about 10 or 20 marketers who fall into this category but I am talking about ten of thousands other marketers who are having the same mindset. What really happen here is because those marketers have committed the 3 most critical mistakes in article marketing.
So what are they....?
1) They fail to go Deep :
For article marketing to take effect, you must submit enough articles to see the result. Please do not think that 3 or 4 articles are more than enough. What makes you think that there are people who submitted over 5,000 articles if 3 or 4 works so well? You can check it out at ezinearticles to see the top article submitter. At the time when I am writing this article, the top submitter has submitted a total of 13,228 articles. The number 1 mistake to avoid is to submit just a few articles and hoping to see massive results. Personally, I suggest everyone of you out there who are interested in article marketing as a way to drive traffic to your site to submit at least 30 articles per month which makes up to 1 per day to see a fairly reasonable result.
Read part II of this article to find out more details
Remember this: The key to being successful in your internet marketing business lies in your ability to generate traffic to your site. Once you manage to master the skill to traffic generation, you will be able to achieve success in any niche you enter.
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Kelvin Lee is the publisher of Internet Success Tips, a free weekly newsletter full of informative helps for internet marketers of all levels. For your free subscription, drop by today
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