By: Phil Lancaster

Video has been around on the Internet since broadband connection became commonplace, but its purpose was strictly entertainment. More recently, it has begun appearing as a substitute for printed User Guides and as either a substitute for, or addition to, the traditional website sales letter.

It’s the author’s firm opinion that a well written and complete printed User Guide is far superior to a video and that those who use video as a substitute for writing a guide are just being lazy. Once you’ve got the software, adding a commentary while demonstrating the product is dead simple. And the results are (usually) simply awful.

But … video to sell a product, to demonstrate its features, that’s a different story. After all, they’ve been doing it with television commercials for years. Even so, some commercials are stinkers. Here’s 10 tips to make sure yours aren’t:

1. Demonstrate how to use your products
A video can be a great way to show how to use a product that may be a new idea or something that people may wonder how to use. It gives the consumer a look at how easy it is to operate and how well it works. Furthermore, it encourages reassurance. “I can do that!”

2. Give a complete and accurate picture of what you are selling
Make sure that you cover every aspect of your product in your video, particularly including the problem the product is designed to cure. Your customer can relate to that. TV commercials do it all the time. Also make sure to include important points, like how to order, guarantees and other important information that the consumer should know.

3. Convey how important the customer is to you
Make the customer feel important. Use phrases that say you care about the customer and that you are selling them this product because you know it will benefit them and help them.

4. Demonstrate the unique qualities of your product
You want to highlight why your product is better than other similar products on the market. You need to highlight the unique features and aspects of your product. This is standard marketing, but something easily forgotten in the process of creating a sales video.

5. Put testimonials in your video
Testimonials are very effective, especially when a consumer can actually see the person giving the testimonial. Gosh, a real testimonial from a real person. Again, contrast with TV commercials. How much more are you convinced by a real life endorsement than by someone who’s obviously an actor getting paid? This is a great way to boost the consumer’s confidence in you and your product.

6. Back up your printed information with the video
Make sure that your video and your written sales pitch match up. Your video should be a good guide to what you have written on your sales page. It should not contradict it or add in information. When you update your product, update both the video and the printed matter.

7. Use every aspect of video
Video gives you the ability to really reach out to a consumer. You get the ability to speak to them and appeal to them in a personal manner. Make sure to take advantage of being able to let the consumer hear and see what your product is all about. Speak naturally and practice until you don’t sound nervous.

8. Make it compelling
It goes without saying that in marketing you can’t sell anything unless you grab attention. With video there is more than just grabbing the consumer’s attention, though. You have to engage them and make them want to sit and watch the whole video. Give hints that what’s coming next is really exciting. Watch the TV news. “In this bulletin, a family of five escape death from a downtown mudslide. But first, the mayor urges people to save more.” You watch the mayor, because you’ve been hooked by the mudslide.

9. Think hard about how your video is presented
You need to consider things like how big the screen is and how loud the sound is. You also should consider if the video should play automatically or if the consumer needs to initiate it. These can be important factors in how successful your video marketing is.

10. Reuse old video to make something new
Do not throw out old video footage. Save everything you do. You may be able to revamp it into a whole new video that turns into an amazing sales tool.

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