5 Tips To Build A Stronger Relationship With Your Email List Subscribers
Author: Cheow Yu Yuan
They key to have a responsive list is to build strong relationships with your subscribers. If you have a huge non-responsive list, it is of no use to you at all. By sending them useful and solid information related to what they are looking for when they initially opted in, you can keep them happy and subscribed to your list for years to come.
Building lists is a very important activity, be it you run an offline or online business. Your subscribers are those who have already known your brand and business. You just need to build strong rapport with them and stand a higher chance to convert them into your clients.
Let me share with you 5 tips to build a stronger relationship with your email list subscribers:
1. Always deliver what you promised. If you promise that they will get a free email course from you for the next 5 days, make sure that you deliver the emails. This is the initial trust that your subscribers want to see from you. If you do not deliver, they will not hesitate to opt out of your list.
2. Conduct online surveys. Invite your subscribers to participate in your business by asking them to take surveys to gather feedbacks on what they like and dislike about your products and services. If you intend to launch a new product for your company, you can gather some insights from your subscribers first before sending your new product for production.
3. Send them useful articles. If you write articles about your industry products and services, send them the links to your articles. This is a great way to build rapport and credential.
4. Set up a blog. A blog is useful to provide your prospects with latest information and updates about your company. It also acts as an informal way to connect better with your prospects. Whenever you write a new blog post, send the link of your blog post to your subscribers and invite them to read it.
5. Send them free PDF reports. You should send your subscribers free PDF reports from time to time. These reports should provide solid information for your subscribers and is best to not exceed 50 pages. Subscribers love free gifts and you can be sure that free PDF report is something that they are looking for.
Here you are with these 5 tips to build a stronger relationship with your email list subscribers. Remember, a responsive list is the key to email marketing success.
Cheow Yu Yuan is the co-founder of OOM, an online marketing agency which provides Email Marketing services. Check out more about Email Marketing at www.optimalonlinemarketing.com
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