7 BANS Traffic Tips
Author: Bill Miller
I started a network of websites using the Build A Niche Store Program. Many of you have tried this program with varying success. It seems the biggest problem you're having is driving traffic to these sites. Here are 7 BANS traffic tips.
Here are some of the best tips I use to drive traffic to my Build A Niche Store websites.
With a Social Bookmarking program like Bookmarking Demon you can mass bookmark to hundreds of social bookmarking sites at once. Not only will this drive a lot of Social traffic to you sites, you'll also be building backlinks to your site as well. Some Webmasters bookmark every page of their site for maximum traffic.
I use sites like Squidoo and Hubpages to create niche specific pages that rank well in the Search Engines like Google. These pages rank well plus once again, I'm building up backlinks to my BANS sites. You can also make money with these pages as both websites allow you to monetize your Squidoo or HubPages. But I don't recommend it. I want the browser's to come to my main money page and buy something from my main site!
Article marketing can be a traffic generating goldmine. I use article directories such as GoArticles, Ezinearticles and iSnare. But one of the best services I use is Article Marketer. AM distributes your articles to hundreds, and in some cases thousands, of sites across the Internet. Not only do I get a lot of traffic, I get loads of backlinks from these sites as well. This is one of my best secrets for gaining top search engine rankings with my websites.
Take advantage of StumbleUpon. I've created a huge rush of traffic to my BANS sites whenever I publish a new page by Stumbling it. If you've built up a list of "friends" on StumbleUpon, they'll Stumble your pages as well. This translates to more traffic as your page will show more when people Stumble.
One of the best tips I could give you is to build loads of backlinks to your websites. Most of the tips above will also give you backlinks which will help your site rank higher. However, many BANS Webmasters are using Webmaster forums such as DigitalPoint and SitePoint and buy blog post with links pointing back to their websites. This helps boost their rankings which increases organic traffic.
Don't forget to link to your interior pages. This will help those interior pages rank well for your specific keyword. Better rankings means traffic will be headed your way if you can manage the front page of Google.
Submit your site to Internet directories. I know, you hear this all the time but it still works. Not any directories work though. Only submit them to the high PR type directories. These are the directories that get searched the most and they're the ones Google loves. The better directories will charge a subscription fee. One of the best ones you could have your site listed on is Best Of The Web. It's a great directory and worth every penny. Not only will it drive traffic to your site, but it's a high PR directory trusted by Google and backlinks from this directory will help boost your search engine rankings for your keyword.
With these simple, yet effective 7 BANS traffic tips, you should have no problem driving loads of traffic to your BANS site. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen if you just keep applying the traffic tips above.
The website AffiliateWatcher.Com brings you these traffic tips. He reviews affiliate programsreview of the Build A Niche Store on his site.
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