Author: Kevin Sinclair

It is not possible to have a successful online business without website traffic. This means that implementing an effective traffic building strategy must be central to any overall internet marketing plan. In fact, without website traffic you might as well shut up shop. However, it can be expensive to drive targeted traffic to your website using paid strategies. It is therefore helpful to understand how to get interested visitors to your site without cost.

The first free method of driving traffic to your website is blogging. Most people these days know what blogging is and perhaps you already have one. However, to successfully drive traffic to your website from a blog you need to create an interesting, informative blog that can develop a readership. After all, if no one reads your blog you won't be able to use it to drive traffic to your site.

With blogging, it is important to submit new posts regularly, preferably daily. It is also important that your blog articles are of a high quality and of particular interest to your targeted audience. One way to attract return visits is to regularly advertise special offers such as a free e-book, template or widget.

Blogs can be an important part of your traffic building strategy because they are very popular with search engines. Every time you add a new post, search engines crawl through your blog and index the page. If you update your blog daily, your chances of gaining a high position on the free search results page is dramatically increased. Blogger and Wordpress are two of the most popular blogging sites. Both allow you to establish a blog free of charge.

Online forums can also be used successfully to generate targeted traffic. By simply posting on forums and using a link to your website as your signature, you can receive the benefit of visitors to your website. You can find forums related to your niche by doing an internet search. Just make sure that the forum is active and has high traffic itself otherwise it might not be worth your time. Once you register on the forum, take some time to browse current posts to get sense of where people are coming from and what they are interested in. When you feel ready, start writing some posts yourself.

It is very important to understand the rules of forum posting. You are generally not allowed to promote your own business or products in forum posts. If you do this, your post will be removed and you will usually get a warning. In some cases, you will lose your forum membership. These rules can sometimes be applied in such an extreme way that even if someone on the forum asks for a recommendation, you still can't give it. The best way to use the forum is to give generic but helpful information on any given forum topic. In forums, promoting your own business is considered spam even if it is relevant to the thread.

Both blogs and forums can be used to enhance your reputation or "expert" status. Building your credibility is an important aspect of attracting targeted website traffic. After all, if you invest in your own reputation in your particular niche, people will gain confidence in your advice and return to the blog or forum to see what else you have to say.

In your forum signature or blog "about me" page you can provide a link to specific web pages or affiliate programs. If you have taken the time to build credibility with your readers, they will click on your link to check out new articles or special offers. Blogs and online forums are a great addition to any traffic building strategy. They also have the added benefit of being free.

These two traffic building strategies are highly effective and you can begin to use them immediately.

About the Author:

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of Be Successful News, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.

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