By: Sean.Ray

Getting listed in the search engine is the first step to the success of your web site. Considering about 85% of the people use search engine to look for the information they want, if your web site can be listed in the results with a higher position, you can image that a lot of potential free and high quality traffic will be driven to your site. But this is too beautiful to think about before your site is found by the search engines, since after it, you will still have a lot of work to do.

Submit Your Web Sites to Search Engines
Submitting your site to search engines is a good method to get it listed in the search result. It's not the fastest way but it's absolutely necessary. And there are hundreds of search engines in the world, should you submit your site to all of them? The answer is NO. This is a time-consuming process, some people choose to purchase a service from 3rd party to submit the site to them. But actually, you will only need to do it manually for some major search engines and for the rest, they will automatically index your web site when you promote your web site and build the inbound links.

So, what's the major search engine you should submit to? They are Google, Yahoo, and MSN. You can follow below link to do it:




  • For Google, you can get your web site indexed even faster by declaring the ownership of the site and submitting the sitemap of it to them.

    Get Inbound Links from Other Related Sites
    The best way to get listed in any of the major search engine is getting links from other related sites that point to your site. It's not hard to get an inbound link and it could be free (actually, search engine doesn't like the paid one). But in terms of getting listed in search engines fast, in below, we will introduce the methods to get the link from the sites which search engines crawl frequently (daily or even hourly), so that your site will be found and indexed quickly.

    1. Submit an Article to Ezine Directories
    There are some many web sites that Google crawl everyday, and Ezine article directories are part of them. Submitting a well-written article to Ezine article directory with a link pointing to your web site will greatly accelerate the progress for search engine finding you. You can go to Promote Web Site by Writing Articles to know more about the most popular Ezine Article directories and how they work.

    2. Submit Your Site to Free Classifieds Site
    There are many free Classifieds site indexed by Google hourly, and the most famous one are and If your site are talking about the business or selling the product, placing a free Classified on them should be a good idea.

    3. Join the Forum Related to Your Web Site
    Forum is a place that Google crawl very frequently, but each forum has its purpose. Join the forum with the same topic as your web site. When registering in it, you will be allowed to put your web site in your profile. By doing it, your site will be found by Google in soon. But what you should keep in mind is that, not all forums are crawled by Google all the time, you will need to figure out the most popular forums related to your business.

    Getting listed in the search engines is not something hard. By doing it properly, your site will be able to be indexed within 1-2 days. Even if you just submit it to the search engine without doing anything else, 7-14 days later, you will see your site is found by them. But the earlier your site is indexed, the better your business could be.

    Want to know more about Web Promotion, please refer to Webmaster Tutorials from

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