Increasing Myspace Mp3 Song Plays
By: Steve Dulio
Yes I can guarantee it definitely does help.
As manager of a major recording label I admit to having used these methods for several months and still continue today to promote my artists through out the MySpace network by increasing their MySpace plays and profile views.
Before my increase campaign started our artists would receive an average of around 500-1200 MySpace views and plays and we would get 10-30 friend requests from that, we now average over 50-150 new friend requests each day per artist profile, after 3 months using the Increase Song Plays system, so sales are now on the up.
Not bad from only a few months use. We are slowly building up and spreading campaigns as this is the best way to do it, this way we stay under the MySpace radar and gradually move our way up to a consistent chart position keeping those friend requests coming in.
Really this a so called 'industry secret', but if you do not know about using this method to increase your MySpace song plays and profile views, you are basically being left in the dark.
So if you are serious about your music or the artists you represent, I highly suggest looking in to this system from Increase Song Plays and help your artists out by generating more buzz for them, I definitely recommend using or trying this service to see for yourself the results and the impact it has. Make sure to start small though and build up, this is industry key*.
Technorati Tags:increase myspace plays, get more plays, myspace plays, myspace friend adder, increase mp3 plays, more plays, profile views, views and plays, myspace plays increase, boost myspace plays, increase mypsace plays, free plays, my mp3 plays, mp3 song plays, viw
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