Network Marketing Tips For Your Internet Business or MLM Opportunity - Part 2
Author: Kevin Thomas
You can't be successful being anonymous on the internet anymore you have to be seen you've got to be visible.
Ever wonder how some people stay in business and become successful while others struggle along or fall by the wayside? Customer appreciation is so important in any business do it right and you'll keep that business a long time. I remember years ago when I was first getting started with my business I met a older gentleman in one of my contracts who was in charge of sales and marketing for a now very large port terminal company on the U.S. east coast.
For some reason he took a liking to me and every week or so I'd ask him questions concerning business, I'll never forget one of the most important things he ever told me, you want to succeed in business you've got to be visible. Now back then in my late twenties I had no idea what he was talking about, visible what does that mean, it wasn't until many years later and several lost contracts that I finally figured it out.
Nobody likes to do business with a faceless company you have to take the time to physically stop by shake hands and look your customer in the eye. It still surprises me after 19 years in business the information I get from stopping in my contracts that I probably never would have gotten over the phone. Now don't get me wrong its ok to call and you should call but nothing beats a hand shake and a friendly smile it shows your customer you appreciate their business.
I've since lost contact with that wise gentleman who so graciously give me the most important piece of business advice ever but I still have the contract its been 17 years and counting...
Being visible online is even more important than it is for a traditional offline business, because in order to make money online prospects have to find you. So you've got to be visible in as many places as possible but how do you that well with the advent of social networking and attraction marketing being visible could not be any easier. Its a golden era on internet right now a chance for anyone to position them selfs to be any were and ever were in cyberspace. Web 2.0 has leveled the playing field for anyone who's serious about starting a home based business,internet business,or mlm opportunity so take the bull by horns and get ready for a wonderful ride.
kevin thomas is a 20 year entrepreneur who has run a successful business offline and is now teaching people how to do business online though a very effective lead generation program that helps people create a massive marketing machine learn how at his blog networkmarketingindustries Here's to your success, Kevin
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1 Response to Network Marketing Tips For Your Internet Business or MLM Opportunity - Part 2
Nice post. I want to run my own business soon, so I'll remember this one. I know it'll be challenging, so I can use all the help and advice I can get. I've been thinking about buying a business lately instead of starting one from scratch. Maybe a franchise? I don't know. Do you have any suggestions or advice? Thanks!
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