Author: Rajeev Guglani

Articles are a great way to increase website traffic and also a major source to get one way links back to your site. There are lots of article directories available on the web that accepts articles in different varieties of categories. It is important for the user to select a category that matches with the theme and content of their websites. Thus it is an effective marketing method directed towards increasing targeted visitors to your website.

A large number of articles are submitted in only popular article websites and directories as only some of the article websites submitted actually generate a large amount of traffic. The main value of article lies in the fact that to what extent you are able to provide unique and valuable information to the readers.

There are some important things to be kept in mind for article submission in SEO Services . This is generally to catch reader’s attention as well as divert a large amount of traffic towards your website:

Always provide the valuable content. Write in such a way that it deeply influences the behavior of readers. Do not write too long articles by repeating the same topic again and again so that it looks monotonous. Keep it to the point to make it interesting for the users.

Try to keep the article title short and make sure that it is related to the content of the article.

Keep the article title very close to the keyword of your website also. Whenever a user searches for the article, there are chances of those articles to come in the top of search queries that are related with the keyword in title.

Do not violate the rules of different article directories while submitting articles. Some directories do not accept articles with urls while some accept a certain number of url in body and author byline. Some directories do not allow over promotional aspects.

The major advantages of article submissions in directories are that articles are a great source of providing one way link to your website and generate interest in visitors through the content of your written source and also attract more unique visitors. Article save a time by getting back links to your website as compared to directory submission and link exchange.

Some other websites also link to your sites when they subscribe to those directories that provide RSS feeds and you have submitted articles in those directories. Those people get the access to your articles. Thus your content gets traveled over the world wide web even to those destinations in which you have not submitted it. So articles through RSS feeds provide great benefits in the present scenario.

About the Author:

Rajeev Guglani writes articles for SEO.He has vast exposure in writing for Web Promotions.He is working for NDDW. For Website Promotion ,Internet Marketing , SEO Services India visit

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