Author: Christopher Carter

Content is unquestionably the most important factor in achieving high rankings on major search engines. Fresh, unique and original content goes a long way in Search Engine Optimization. Optimum7 SEO Copywriting Solutions gives our clients a head start, taking care of one of the most important factors of SEO.

An average webpage indexed in Google is about 400 words. There are over 10 million unique sites on the Internet and over 20 billion pages of content. This is a simple example of how important content is online. One of the best examples of this is Wikipedia. We will see Wikipedia results on almost every Google search. This further suggests just how important original and fresh content is for Google and all major search engines.

Optimum7’s experienced copywriters are experts in creating clear and concise SEO content specifically tailored to each business, industry or client. Our copywriting also sells services and products by focusing on persuasion and influencing the visitor’s thinking process.

Optimum7 takes the SEO Copywriting Services one step ahead of competition, and creates powerful, marketing oriented content, which will place you ahead of competition, thus increasing your market stronghold. It helps our clients communicate clearly with their customers, build credibility and a powerful image, and increase traffic.

The world of Search Engine Optimization and Copywriting might be confusing at times for businesses. Optimum7 eases this process by taking the burden of creating original, fresh content off the shoulders of our clients. Upon completion of each article, our SEO experts review the content and optimize it for Google and all the major search engines. This process is essential, as it requires through examination and editing of the text of the content. This review funnel insures that our clients get the most original, fresh, relevant and optimized content to successfully compete for top rankings on the search engines vs. their direct competition.

Why do you need Optimum7 SEO Copywriting Services?

This begs another question. Why is Content so important? The best way to answer this is to try to better understand what we (our clients and Optimum7) face when we try to compete for visibility on the major search engines.

If, for example, you were searching online for a monument to memorialize a loved one and let’s say you went to Google and typed in the keyword “monuments.” If you look at the horizontal blue stripe across the top of the page you will see that this page is displaying the top 10 results out of 28 million competing web pages. That’s 28 million! So how do you actually compete successfully? Do you think it’s just a matter of making a nice looking website? How about having all of the meta tags, title tags, site maps, and all of the other internal or structural components correctly done? Do you think that alone will compete successfully to a top page on Google, above and beyond the other 28 million pages?

Hopefully, you get the picture. I am sure there are several hundred SEO companies that know how to implement title tags and meta tags … there are still only 10 results on the first page … AND … 68% of searchers do not go past the first page!

So what separates the men from the boys? It comes down to backlinks … yes backlinks … and quality backlinks. How are they achieved? Content … unique content (no plagiarism allowed … the spiders are too smart for that). How do you get the most backlinks? … creating and publishing the most quality content.

Is there more too it … sure. However, if you understand that high volume, high quality content implemented both on the web site and off of the web site is the key to generate quality, relevant backlinks, you understand and accept what few in our industry accept or understand.

It’s the backlinks that score the points. The highest scores gets the highest ranks. The highest ranks get the highest visibility.

BY THE WAY … if you actually do go to Google and type the keyword “monuments” you will find a client of Optimum7 listed on the first page. We got their through CONTENT.

Visibility will bring traffic, business, leads and clients for your business. In online marketing, visibility equals original, fresh content. With decades of staff experience in Search Engine Marketing, Optimum7 knows each and every step it will take to bring traffic to your website and the high rankings in major search engines. Optimum7 SEO Copywriting Services along with the proven Optimum7 Optimization techniques will ensure that you get the biggest bang for your buck.

Now to get to the answer to the question of “why you need Optimum7 Copywriting Services?” …

Actually, if you have good writers or copywriters on staff that has the time, you may well not need Optimum7 Copywriting Services. The key is “time” … if they have many other ongoing tasks, you may wish for Optimum7 to shoulder this responsibility.

However, many of our existing clients do not have the staff, time or personal skill in writing / copywriting to generate content.

Here is the most important reason … CONTENT IS NOT AN OPTION. IT’S IMPERATIVE! Only if we can generate a steady stream of unique, quality content can we have any reasonable expectation of high keyword rankings in the major search engines.

Optimum7 Copywriting Services are for our Optimum7 SEO clients who need the added benefit of a program to generate a steady stream of CONTENT so they can successfully compete on the world stage online.

Read the other related areas on our services involved in Organic SEO or Optimum7 SEO. You will see that it is all about CONTENT.

About the Author: is an Internet Marketing Company with primary focus on Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises (SME’s). offers a rich consultative approach that our clients find refreshing. We actually listen to our clients to learn exactly what their problems and objectives are. SEO Copywriting Services.

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