Video Streaming Can Improve Dental Marketing SEO Efforts
Author: Sinai Marketing
May 24, 2008 — HIGHLANDS RANCH, COLORADO — Search Engine Optimization experts have identified another avenue for increasing traffic to client Web sites and improving site rankings on Google search results- video streaming.
Videos on Web sites are now included by Google and other popular search engines in search results.
“Google experts constantly seek new ways to improve search engine results that will provide Internet users with the most relevant, helpful information,” said Sinai Marketing Founder and President Ali Husayni, a search engine optimization expert.
In the competitive dental marketing field, learning to maximize the presence of video streaming on a Web site can help professionals gain an edge in the SEO realm.
Ranking a video is easier to accomplish than ranking a Web site, because there are numerous video sharing sites on the Internet with the power of built-in linking capabilities than can be utilized to a Web site’s advantage, Husayni said.
Google’s search engine techniques remain the gold standard when it comes to Internet marketing. After Google purchased YouTube in 2006 and it became apparent that SEO opportunities lay in videos, experts agreed that YouTube was the place to post videos.
Dentists can help improve their videos’ rankings by e-mailing links to their patients and friends and asking those people to forward the videos on to people who might be interested in viewing it, Husayni said. When ranking a video, Google looks at a couple of factors, such as how many comments have been made on the video and how many times it has been viewed.
Read full article titled on Video Streaming Can Improve Dental Marketing SEO Efforts.
Learn More
If you would like to learn more about using videos for dental marketing and SEO purposes, or you would like a free analysis performed to see how a SEO expert might assist you in marketing your Web site, call Sinai Marketing toll free: 877-932-6559, or (303)-932-6559 for international callers.
About Sinai Marketing
Ali Husayni created the Sinai Marketing firm, based in Highlands Ranch, Colo., in 2004. Husayni serves as the firm’s chief executive officer and search engine positioning expert.
© 2008 Sinai Marketing. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Sinai Marketing is credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this article is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.
Sinai Marketing is a search engine positioning firm that utilizes knowledge of the Internet market and ongoing research to develop and implement search engine positioning strategies for its clients.
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