Website Traffic Is The Lifeline Of Any Internet Business
Author: Todd Ash
If you are like most people, you will spend countless hours trying to BuildTraffic to your website. Did you know that over 80% of website traffic is the result of search engines? If you want to increase the number of visitors to your website it is crucial that you have a top search engine position.
As you may already know, getting a good search engine ranking is next to impossible without optimization. Just submitting your website to the search engines will not get you a top search engine ranking. You also need to properly optimize your website in order to increase your search engine ranking. Once you have achieved a good search engine position only then will you start to see thousands of people visiting your website each and every day.
Some companies offer advertising schemes that, in return for increased web traffic (visitors), pay for screen space on the site. Sites also often aim to increase their web traffic through inclusion on search engines and through Search engine optimization.
Anyone knows that once you stop paying for your pay per click results, you will stop getting website traffic. Articles on the other hand always stay on the pages of a high traffic website if added. This is like opening a shop in a busy shopping mall. You get more targeted website visitors this way quite easily. Once readers read the targeted articles and then click through to your website, they are in the mood to read whatever offers that you can sell and you tend to make more money this way as they treat you as an expert if they like your article. Thus in article marketing, you get traffic on a continuing basis and not just when you pay for it.
Website traffic is a graph of the number of people visiting your site. The Internet is a strange place. However, there is a lot more going on. A web site sees a wide variety of traffic, and only a portion of it has a person sitting on the other end. There are thousands of companies building tools that visit and gather information from websites. Search engines are similar. They visit and cache content on a list of websites (Google claims 3.3 billion pages). If something is found, they contact you and offer their services. It's all pretty clever.
The basis of Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) today is based on PageRank and website traffic. The major search engines today looks at the number of inbound links from targeted website pointing to your website. This means that if you have a cooking website, the more links to your website from cooking websites the better.
Article marketing works in the same way as if your business is on health for instance and you write health articles, your publishers are going to be health websites and your PageRank due to the number of inbound links pointing at your website will increase. Your search engine rankings will also start climbing and you will start getting more targeted website traffic and make more money.
Some links to your site will come naturally if your site has good content. Most businesses augment those natural links with well placed links in quality directories. Quality directories market to bring traffic to their sites. That traffic can easily search the categories to find the exact business they are looking for and follow the link to your site. Marketing online is about giving potential clients as many paths to your website as possible so they can find you.
Can you find where your web site is located on any of the "Big Three"? If not, then your small business is lost in cyberspace and you are not getting the increased web site traffic that you need to grow your business. You need to increase your web traffic. You do NOT need a flashy web site to increase your web site trafficnor should you have one if that is your specific intent.
One way to use free traffic exchanges to your advantage is to join a few at first, and see if your sales pick up. If your sales aren't doing well, then test out a few more. When you do find a few traffic exchanges that appear to be generating sales for you, then narrow those down until you find the one, or two that are working.
Now concentrate your efforts on those because they're the ones you want. At least for now anyway. Things may change, so keep an eye on your campaigns and if sales seem to be falling off, then it might be time to change your offer or find another traffic exchange that could pick your profits up again.
Listen carefully when someone tells you how much traffic their website handles. It used to be common to talk about "hits". A hit is any file that gets downloaded from the server. A single page often requires 20 or more different files and thus would register 20 hits. If a single visitor clicks on 10 pages it would register as 200 hits. It sounds low when you realize that most of that traffic probably comes from the 100 advertisers.
It all boils down to one thing. The more web site traffic you can gain the more important you become to the engines. The more important you become to the search Google, Yahoo and MSN, the more you will find that increasing your web site traffic will be easier to do.
It's a fact that a website needs traffic to exist. Popunder traffic helps you increase traffic to your site and increased website traffic means increased sales. Popunder website traffic is a widely accepted form of website promotion. 11
Getting traffic to a website is fundamental to the success of any online business.
Generating large volumes of traffic to go to your website essentially means that you have a lot of visitors going to your website. But are they converting to sales for you If you are just generating traffic, this does not necessarily mean your conversion rate is high.
In considering all a webmaster's options to increase website traffic, you have to consider what website traffic really means -- and how you get it. When someone searches for a website to help with a problem, that person uses a search engine like Google.
Every webmaster dreams of getting so much traffic from the search engines that it overloads the circuits of their web hosting provider's network.
Todd Ash Is An Entrepreneur and A Master Of Network Marketing.To Find Out More About Succeeding Online Click Here To Visit For Free Information
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