What are Meta Search Engine Marketing
By: Naman Jain
For all those who are not aware of it, the fact is that there are four different kinds of major search engine marketing forms, 1) the crawler based search engines, 2) search engine directories that are manually maintained. 3) the paid inclusion engines and 4) the hybrid or meta search engines.
As the name indicate Hybrid search engines are a combination of two search engine forms. The crawler search and the search directories. The Hybrid search engine marketing techniques make use of both the crawlers and the human search techniques to provide the best and the most relevant results to their search.
The biggest search engines today, Google and Yahoo are both hybrid search engines which make use of both the above stated technologies in their search engine optimization technique. As a matter of fact the two have eventually evolved over the years to become hybrid. Yahoo was initially a directory but today it gets additional search information from Google as well. Where as Google, these days uses open directory results to increase the value of their search results.
This kind of search engine marketing is also referred to as Meta Search Engine Marketing. These are parallel search engines that combine the search of a number of search engines and search directories at the same time and lay their results together.
The meta search engine marketing techniques are of great use to users when a small number of relevant searches are required. They combine the most popularly hit results of all these search engines and present them in one list. It is also of great use to the advertisers as they are able to make the most out of their search engine optimization techniques. The Meta search engines guarantee a greater number of hits and traffic generation than the other techniques.
Where there are benefits of having meta search engines, this search engine marketing technique also has a number of disadvantages. The biggest setback is that you can only use simple queries in meta searches.
The purpose behind using different search engine marketing techniques is to increase the web traffic and to advertise and promote websites in the world web. Hybrid search engines too work on the same aspect of advertising and make search on Internet more relevant and accurate.
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