Author: Jonathan Hook

The elementary structure of search engines is programmed as such that it reacts in an extremely dynamic and result-oriented manner to fresh content.

The latest and highest quality updated content is what the search engines always crave for and react to the best.

Content and Search Engines

The key factor which makes blogging a beneficial web activity for search engines is that the search engines respond well to new content on a website or a weblog. In fact, the internet jargon labels "content as the king" from a search engine's viewpoint.

Blogs provide one of the most simple, quick and easy methods of adding content to a website. Users don't need to know HTML or web design techniques to add content if they do so through the medium of blogs.

Ready Information

Search engines also react marvelously well to mediums from where they can dish out ready information. Analysis of various news and information websites vis-a-vis weblogs has proven that the information content in blogs is more easily accessible than that in websites.

To explain further, search engines respond well to the blogs also because of the blogs unique relationship with the user and the content. If we talk about the pages sitting in an index, we are waiting for the search engine to visit and query the data. On the other hand, owing to the unique feed association, the user is right there, getting the data almost as soon as you create it.

RSS Feeds

Besides, RSS feeds have also shifted the choice of visible content. By using RSS feeds, blogs give visitors the ability to use blog aggregators such as, Bloglines, Yahoo's blog aggregator or a desktop tool such as FeedDemon.

This again works well for search engines. From the search point of view, you can go to Yahoo! and type your search term and simply find results. The site represented by those results has an RSS feed which you can subscribe to and read on a regular basis.

Default Structure

Most importantly, the inherent and basic search engine friendly nature of blogs is what gets the attention of search engine marketers. As we said earlier, blogs are easy to publish and tend to contain lots of fresh, keyword rich text.

Moreover, as many blogs are rendered as static HTML pages in standard compliant designs, all of this information is readily available for the search engine spiders.

To conclude, blogs provide a faster and qualitative access through the medium of search engines to an informed and interested audience. This in turn does well for the efficiency and abilities of the search engines.

About the Author:

Jonathan Hook gives away more tips for marketing your business online at Sign up for the free newsletter to boost your exposure

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