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Keywords Key To SEO, Says Cutts

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By: David A. Utte

Do it, don't overdo it

Google's Matt Cutts dished out some basic advice to the newspaper-reading audience about how to optimize for search.

Make sure your keywords appear on your site, and do what you can to encourage others to link back to you. It's basic advice, but for print readers being introduced to SEO for the first time, these are bits of advice interested people will want to keep on hand.

Cutts told USA Today some of the little tricks that may mean the difference between a sweet flow of traffic from the dominant search engine, or being ignored by the Internet-using public.

Regulars to WebProNews probably know the basics well. But with many people engaging in small businesses, with little time to research outside the needs of their operations, the need to know about SEO could fall outside the daily to-do list.

Cutts advised people to make sure their main keywords make it into the title and description tags; modern web development software helps one fill in those blanks. The keyword meta tag, a one-time staple of being indexed, receives little weight in the engines these days.

Don't get carried away with the keywords; Cutts said two or three mentions on a page will be enough. Too much may flag a page negatively for keyword stuffing, putting one's site rank at risk.

Followers of the Matt Cutts blog know he's a fan of the WordPress platform. He recommended blogging as a good way build content and attract those important links. Writing what they know, especially the humorous, strange on-the-job things that happen, helps this greatly.

About the author:
David Utter is a staff writer for WebProNews covering technology and business. Follow me on Twitter, and you can reach me via email at dutter @ webpronews dot com. Why not Mixx this article while you're here?

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By: Jason Lee Miller

High rollers only, please

Now that Google is a publicly traded company, traditions and advertiser friendly philosophies seem destined to clash with fiduciary responsibility. Imagine this scenario: Everybody uses Google, so every advertiser needs a presence there, and the law of supply and demand makes Google one expensive place to be.

Big companies were reluctant a few years back to shift a significant amount of their advertising budgets to search marketing. This reluctance made conditions perfect for small businesses to take advantage of Google's relevancy at bargain basement prices while Google built its reputation and search share.

But big companies wised up, making competition for ad space even fiercer. Those big budgets provided a big advantage in organic results, too. While bootstrappy, budget-conscious companies tweaked and tested and gamed to get better organic placement, large companies realized pretty fast it was easier just to buy a site already ranking for relevant keywords.

Trends like these, along with Google's own renewed focus on raising search ad real estate prices by reducing the number of ads while increasing relevancy for users and, by default, conversion rates for advertisers, mean Google was already headed for high-roller club status. And now Google is reaching into Yahoo's pot, too.

Effectively, Google has the potential to reach 90 percent or more of Internet searchers: 90 percent of the US, adding to 90 percent of the UK and Europe. That's what, a couple of hundred million searchers? Add that to other advertising roads Google is traveling—TV, radio, print, wireless—and remember how a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl grabs a couple of million dollars for the network broadcasting it.

Consider this also: According to ComScore Chairman Gian Fulgoni, Google has made its billions from just five percent of its ads being clicked. Not to insult your math ability, but that's 95 percent of Google ads that are not clicked. Though clicks are monetized based on direct action, Fulgoni says only 16 percent of ads have direct online effects; 21 percent have latent online effects, and 63 percent have latent offline effects.

"[S]o 84% of the value isn’t being monetized by search engines," Search Insider's David Berkowitz summarizes in his "Dreaming of a Super Model" report. The value in that 84 percent is in less tangible branding value. Enquiro attributes a 16 percent brand lift when the brand made an appearance in the top organic result and the top sponsored result.

Fulgoni used these numbers to suggest Google could maximize profit by adding a layer of cost to search advertising in the form of cost per impression. Either by display advertising (Google can certainly pull up DoubleClick's CPM expertise for this*), or by simply charging every time a text ad appears on the search results page, Google could up its ad revenue by huge margins. Advantage: advertisers with huge budgets, and Google shareholders. Disadvantage: Google goes back on its core philosophy of clean interface, simplicity, and equality of opportunity.

Think that can't happen? You could be right, but "fiduciary responsibility to shareholders" is a much weightier phrase than "advertisers will be outraged." Berkowitz joins a likely chorus that advertisers would break this model:

"So, what would a CPM model add to search? In this economy or any economy, not much. Yes, it would show marketers that there is more they should value. At the same time, that would make search marketing much less appealing. There are competing forces: the engines aren’t cashing in as well as they could be, but marketers have enough pricing concerns with search even when they’re getting a great return on investment, let alone when they’re struggling."

Of course, high roller tables in Vegas and national television networks with primetime programming don't cater to the struggling advertiser. Advertisers would be outraged and many would likely leave—but the cold, hard, unpleasant fact is that with enough market share and enough fiduciary responsibility Google nor advertisers would have much choice. For advertisers, it's be on Google or risk it in the margins of the rest of the search world. For Google, everyday is Super Bowl Sunday.

To get (big money) advertisers on board, Berkowitz suggests, Google would have to be able to prove the benefits of branding impact with actual numbers. Enquiro's Gord Hotchkiss also questions whether an unclicked ad has much impact beyond being subconsciously stored on the "white board" of our working (short-term) memory.

Ask yourself, though, how many national (or local, for that matter) television ads work their way from short-term to long-term memory. Then think about how much that lack of transference cost the advertiser. Still yet there is value in awareness, and advertisers have not stopped advertising on a national, primetime level.

*Google's acquisition of DoubleClick has already sparked antitrust concerns, but it seems to me it's hard to prove antitrust claims on the Internet, where competition is virtually limitless, even when natural, but not necessarily permanent, monopolies develop. I think this scenario, where DoubleClick's display advertising/behavioral targeting capabilities are pulled up for search results, is fairly unlikely given Google's general tendency towards a cleaner interface, which has been one of the company's principle paths to success. It would be much easier and less annoying to the end user just to better monetize the text ads themselves. But stranger things have happened…

About the author:
Jason Lee Miller is a WebProNews editor and writer covering business and technology.

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Giving Props To Essential SEO

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By: David A. Utter

The basics never go out of style

Search engine optimization covers an array of topics, from a decent title tag to the world of viral video and social media connections. It's the basics that matter most.

If you spend much time online, there's a good chance you have a greater affinity for technology than the average person. Something new comes along, and you're looking for a reason to give it a try. It's fun, and it could be rewarding too.

Lisa Barone looked at the current state of search marketing and SEO, courtesy of Andrew Goodman's assessment of SEO and recent trends. There's a lot of curiosity and love for the latest and greatest ways to attract attention, she noted:

There may be great value in spending the time and money creating Facebook applications, toying with viral YouTube videos, and seeing if MySpace is filled with anything other than strippers and bands, but that often comes with an awfully low return on investment compared to the traditional stuff.

All the latest technologies have their place. In a number of examples, social media and viral videos brought tremendous attention to their points of interest.

Such potential should not be ignored, but Barone cautioned against getting too caught up in them. Content building, link development, and researching analytics for trends and necessary adjustments may not be the flavor of the month.

But like a vanilla cone, they still deliver what people really want when things get hot.

About the author:
David Utter is a staff writer for WebProNews covering technology and business. Follow me on Twitter, and you can reach me via email at dutter @ webpronews dot com. Why not Mixx this article while you're here?

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By: Jason Lee Miller

Shows Audacity of Presumptive Nominee

Democratic Presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama must be pretty confident he'll get his party's nomination; his campaign recently posted an Internet advertising job opening. Job duration: Indefinite.

Which means, we presume, maybe until June, maybe until November. We're guessing he means the latter.

In a posting dated May 9th on ClickZ's network, the Obama for America campaign lists the marketing position as full time and based in Chicago, Obama's hometown. He's equal opportunity for the most part since only Obama supporters need apply, and applicants should have expertise in search engine marketing, SEO, display advertising, Flash animation, and Web video experience.

Obama's campaign has been Internet savvy from the get-go, taking advantage of popular social networks, YouTube and other video sites. Earlier in the campaign, Obama was the only candidate among the three remaining who spoke at the Googleplex to outline a detailed 21st Century technology plan.

All three candidates already have paid search campaigns running, so the open position could mean Obama is set to go full force into leveraging the Web to get his message out.

Following sponsored links for all three candidates leads to landing pages, two of which—Clinton's and McCain's—make immediate calls for donations. In fact, it's hard to get away from Clinton's extended hand; navigating away from her first donation prompt leads to another donation-pushing landing page. Navigating away from that page leads finally to the official website where visitors again are ubiquitously prompted to give whatever's in their pockets.

Obama's landing page asks only for participation and donations are prompted via one link on the homepage, reinforcing what most know already: Hillary's broke—unless she dips into that $100 million again.

Parody is still high in the rankings
Maybe a search expert could help any of the candidates optimize for images of them appearing on Google Image search. While Barack is seen mostly looking Presidential, the West Side doo rag and platinum grill parody is still high in the rankings. For Hillary, it could help her shed the I-think-she-might-be-a-sociopath whispers. But McCain will always be a pirate—yarr.

About the author:
Jason Lee Miller is a WebProNews editor and writer covering business and technology.

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By: David A. Utter

Mark Cuban suggests a new way to stop Google

Mark Cuban suggested Yahoo or Microsoft could payoff the top five sites for each of the top 25,000 queries on Google, have those sites leave the Google index for good, and bring Google's normal traffic for those sites into the rival fold.

Tech billionaire and NBA team owner Cuban must still be reeling from his Mavericks being ousted from the playoffs already. He's got a doozy of a post up on his always entertaining Blog Maverick site about beating Google the old fashioned way, by buying off their most valuable search results.

"How many websites would have to recuse themselves from the Google Index before Google Search was negatively impacted?" he asked. "A theoretical maximum of 125k sites, but with overlap, probably closer to 100k or less, times how much per site on average?"

Cuban's post included the suggestion these sites dump Google's publisher network in favor of the one operated by whoever buys them out, effectively recouping whatever investment the rival site made to get those sites out of Google's index and revenue stream.

Per site, it could be a lot. Financially, a Microsoft possesses the resources to pull this off, but the real issue isn't the sites, but the searchers who expect to find the best results for a top query when using Google.

John Battelle flatly stated "no one would do it," as far as selling out and leaving Google entirely. He suggested Cuban should try the strategy out, since he has the money to do it.

Inertia presents the real problem in getting people to switch search engines. They use Google out of habit, plus the idea that everyone "Googles" anyway. There's no motivation to switch. People would just treat the next batch of search results as the ones they want and click from there.

"Time to go back to the drawing board on beating Google," Andrew Parker said of Cuban's suggestion. Indeed, it seems it will take a lot more than money to overcome the inertia that keeps people tied to Google today.

About the author:
David Utter is a staff writer for WebProNews covering technology and business. Follow me on Twitter, and you can reach me via email at dutter @ webpronews dot com. Why not Mixx this article while you're here?

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Google Boozes Up, Sort Of

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By : Jason Lee Miller

Vodka listings raise eyebrows

Google has had a longstanding policy against advertising liquor, along with guns and gambling. Frank Watson at SearchEngineWatch found it surprising, then, when a search for [vodka] brought back Google Shopping results.

The search brought back results from various vendors, along with prices. "Now that does seem like they are contradicting their own rules," writes Watson.

Oddly, similar results are not returned for other liquors like gin, rum, tequila, or whiskey. Likewise, searches for other banned products, like handguns or shotguns, brought back no Shopping results. Watson concedes it could be an oversight.

SearchEngineLand's Danny Sullivan weighed in on the issue, disagreeing that Google was violating its own policy because Shopping results are not the same as ads. On Sphinn, he comments:

[T]hat's not a "Google Checkout" box that's appear. It's Google Shopping results….Just like regular Google web search, you have paid and unpaid results in shopping…. You could argue that if Google wants to ban things in ads, they should ban the same things in editorial results. But Google's never claimed to be consistent here, when I've talked to them about it in the past. Some things they don't want ads for (some things they also by law can't take ads for), and that's it.

Glitch or not a glitch, hypocrisy or not, Sullivan makes a good case. It's still odd only [vodka] brings up anything.

About the author:
Jason Lee Miller is a WebProNews editor and writer covering business and technology.

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Author: John Mahoney

If there is one force that puts the cyberspace, then that would be information. It has become a hot commodity in today’s fast moving world. In answering the demand of information, the worldwide web is designed to get an easy access of information to millions of audience around the world.

Information, nowadays, is not only utilized in satisfying one’s craving for data, it has also become a good utility in marketing products. Perhaps the most effective way to capitalize its usage is through search engine optimization.

When searching for an item in the internet, users would usually go to search engine sites. These sites work by looking through out its database of web pages and returning links for search result. If you wonder how they can possibly obtain copies of numerous links and stored in their own data store room, here is how they do it:

1.Google and other search engine websites have crawlers with them to get some keywords of the website.

1.These keywords are stored in their database.

1.When a user will search a certain topic, the engine will try to sort on websites containing the keywords.

1.Search results will give the internet users the link of the website that contains the keywords.

By using keywords, your websites will be possibly visited by a number of web users around the world. The advantage about attracting traffic to your website is that more advertisement will surely find its exposure on the heavily visited site. Here, the business of search engine optimization or SEO will take place.

The most important thing a website should have is its content. It is the bread and butter of the site. Its contents can make audiences around the world get interested in what one has to offer.

It must be taken into consideration that SEO is the vehicle of the audience to the site and the site’s vehicle to the audience are the ways in which SEO will catch the website.

Here are some few steps to make an SEO friendly website:

1.Prepare for the Meta Tags

One has to be familiar with the basics of HTML to know what tag is. Meta tags are HTML tags which can be found in the source code of an HTML file or simply put it the website source code. Meta tag contains necessary information of the website which cannot be found in the interface page of the website. These are hidden tags that can only be determined by the SEO crawlers.

In this way, one has to prepare the meta tags by putting on it the information about the website, and at the same time getting to know the keywords. Knowing the keywords is like putting a webmaster in the shoes of the searchers. In this way, one can identify what keyword one has to type in the search engine.

1.Creating Website Portals with Lots of Keywords

Website portals are the entry point of every surfer to a certain website. One has to stuff the necessary keywords in the portal so that SEO’s crawler can readily attract on it.

However, extra care must also be done to avoid being blacklisted by the SEO’s. SEO crawlers, especially the most sophisticated one, can detect if there is spamming or too much keyword on the portal. Keywords should not only be substantiated with content, it must also be used wisely along the content. Otherwise, the website will totally be unknown because it is in the blacklist.

1.Consider Submitting Directories to a Search Engine Site

One way of connecting to search engines is not to wait for the crawlers to crawl on the website. Establishing direct contact to the Search Engine site can be done by submitting directories. However, the website must be prepared before submission of directories. It must get rid of dead links or other spamming agent which can be very harmful in search engine ranking of a website.

Directory submission is usually being reviewed manually by the people manning the search engine. In this way, search engines can determine if the website is indeed substantially stuffed.

1.Maintain the URL

One way of maintaining the traffic is to keep the URL. URL is very important for websites especially if one is only dependent on SEO crawlers. Having a dead URL is not only damaging to the website’s ranking, it will also lose the interest of web surfers.

Avoiding any forms of symbols and other non alphanumeric is one way of building a good URL. Symbols and non-alphanumeric characters are usually ignored by the SEO crawlers. In this way, the website will not be overlooked.

Knowing how an SEO works is an advantage for a webmaster. In this way, he is not only increasing the traffic of web surfers, he is also catching some advertisement on his website.

About the Author:

John Mahoney is a freelance author who writes about various technology related subjects including Search engine optimization. For more information about John visit his .

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Author: Karl Sultana

First of all you want to make it as easy as possible for webmasters to exchange links with your website.

Give the what they expect. The expect a decent links page. Some prefer that you have a maximum of thirty five or forty links per page. So putting thirty five links per page is acceptable. You need to have categories and sub categories, so when webmasters visit your website they know you already have a place where you can put their link.

Link to your links page from your homepage. Follow those guidelines or else many webmasters will simple not request a link exchange or disapprove your link if you request one. So ask yourself the question, are you loosing link exchange partners everyday?

Most webmasters do not like to open up their email and send you a link exchange requests, for several reasons. An email address attracts spam no link exchange requests, even though you should place one it is not enough. So put a link exchange submission form, and link to it from every page of your link directory, so wherever they are on your directory they can easily add their website.

You need to notify your link exchange partners with the location where you placed your link.

Let us say you emailed a webmasters and he added your link to your website. You then asked for his link details and added his website. It is not yet finished, you need to reply again and tell him the location you placed your link.

Do not forget, it is the most important message. Webmasters are all busy, and they do not receive only your email. So they might forget they did a link exchange, and then when they check days later, simple delete your link. Rest assured most will not visit your website and try to look for their link. You need to treat them in the best possible ways.

Are you saving your email contacts?

If in the past month you received a hundred link exchange requests by email. Did you simple delete those messages once the link exchange was completed? I hope not, because if you create a new website, you just lost a potential hundred link exchanges. Store those email address, in some way or another.

Are you using some automated tool?

Most webmasters waste time, which could have been used better. They still use ftp software to add link partners. When you have enough money to invest, there are many tools that allow you to add link partners in five seconds, from your web browser itself. You do not even need a software.

Are you saving the location the link partners placed your link?

Remember that you need to check every two months approximately, and make sure all your link exchange partners are still linking back. If they are not it is no longer a link exchange, so you can delete their link from your links page.

Keep record of this important information always. Once again there are tools that do this easily for you as well. Look for that tool that provides many tools in one, including the most important features like adding links, categories, subcategories and saving link exchange partners location.

Making these simple tweaks will greatly increase the number of link exchange requests you receive. Treat your link partners like you want them to treat you. Never reject a link exchange as long as there is a solid reason behind it.

About the Author:

Search engine optimization (seo) strategies can be used by every marketer to drive traffic towards his website from the search engines. See Karl's software, OutRankSmart (ORS)

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Author: John Buchanan

Yes, the title is correct. When you get down to it, it only takes two things for your site to rank well in the search engines. The problem is most sites only do one or the other correctly. The sites that do these two "magical" things properly enjoy those coveted spots at the top of the rankings.

So what does it take to get to the top? Focus & Popularity

Let's talk briefly about "focus" and it's importance. The search engines do their best to return relevant results to a given query. To decide if a page is relevant to a users query, it has to be able to determine the focus of the page. The more focused the page the more relevant it will generally be seen.

If each of your pages aren't focused on a core phrase, it is likely that you will not be seen as relevant to a users search as you could be.

Unfortunately, relevance alone is no longer enough to obtain those coveted top spots. A site/page also needs popularity. By popularity, I'm referring to link popularity. The search engines look at inbound links to a site as votes of confidence. The more of these votes a site has, the more "popular" it is seen as being. The more popular it is, the more "worthy" of ranking high the site/page is seen as by the search engines.

In many instances, the popularity of the site is more important than the focus. It is not uncommon to find very popular sites ranking for phrases that they are not truly focused on, however, you will almost never see a highly relevant page ranking for a phrase if it has no link popularity.

While the popularity of the site/page tends to be the more important aspect, they are both very important pieces to the puzzle of high rankings. Think of it as similar to cooking. While there may be one primary ingredient, if you don't add all the proper ingredients and cook the meal correctly, it won't turn out as expected.

The same goes for ranking. You need to insure that your site and it's pages has the relevant focus on it's core phrases to be seen as relevant by the engines AND you need to make sure it has the popularity to be seen as worthy of ranking. To little of one or the other and you will end up missing your target, but get the balance right and you will be the one enjoying the feeling of owning the top spots in your industry.

If you find your site is not ranking where you feel it should. Take a look at both factors. Is it possible that your site isn't as tightly focused on your topics as you thought? Are you being beaten by sites that are better focused? Or do you have the proper focus, but you are being beaten by sites that are seen, due to their inbound links, as being more popular than yours and deserving of a higher rank?

Take a look at your competitors and see in which area you can outdo them and go after it.

See You at the Top!

About the Author:

John Buchanan is an Texas SEO specialist with 10 years experience in the field. He does seo consulting and search engine optimization in Texas and for companies throughout the world.

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Author: Steve Waganer

Nowadays, if one wants to have a reach to the vast client base then internet is the answer. In this race to reach the top, the internet is the effective medium to connect to the future. Here, the companies get instantly connected to their future customers. They make every effort to promote their services and their products through website optimization service providers. Though many sites claim to be the best in the field, but it is only a few who can work with maximum benefit for the client. The website optimization New York is the best medium where you can advertise your products and your brand gets promoted in an effective manner. If any company has to attain an instant rapport with its future clients, the internet duly serves the purpose. One is sure to get a good ranking with web optimization as the services offered here truly world class.

The decision to go for the best service provider rests with you, as a number of website optimization sites have come up. The website optimization services contribute towards your popularity on the internet where your site attracts a large number of visitors. In the days to come, this means increased traffic on your site and therefore increased profit margins for your company. The website optimization New York helps you to achieve your aim of reaching the top in the market. Given the scenario in the market today, one requires these services to a large extent for the popularity of your site. Numerous examples can be cited where the companies have immensely benefited with the website optimization New York service providers and website optimization New York is not an exception.

The personnel at the website optimization New York are always there to help you because of their proven expertise. They have been in the field for a long time now and know the nitty gritties of the market scenario. They know that to survive in the market today, one should have a good command over the advertising aspect of their trade. This website optimization site offers its services at most affordable rates. You have to just contact them and see for yourselves what goes on behind the success of this particular service provider. You are bound to discover a lot of latest techniques employed to increase the traffic on your site. So you don’t have to wander much farther for online promotion services, because you have now reached at a proper destination.

Besides the usual techniques, employed for website optimization another latest one has been added to increase the attractiveness of your website. This is called thematic website optimization. In this technique, the service providers at website optimization New York blend the keyword analysis with the linguistic theme approach. This surely helps in the optimization of a website by offering the experts an exact understanding of the keyword importance. The service providers at website optimization New York go for the regular updates. They make it a point to periodically introduce changes in your site content so that it remains ever fresh. This is a sure fire way to increase the traffic on your site and thus a loyal client base.

About the Author:
Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in SEO New York, search engine marketing firm, website optimization New York.To get the SEO tips from search engine marketing firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

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Seo and Blogs - is This Possible?

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Author: ebet sanders

This blog page optimization and search engine marketing? Absolutely! Blogs are site content management systems with additional features, such as comments, kulowy and RSS. Blogs are really no different from websites.

If you can optimize the document and that the classified document gets indexed and ranked by search engines, is part of search marketing in my book. As such, traders should be aware of how such channels can be used in the overall online marketing mix. Sports is one of many platforms, which benefit from optimization.

I honestly believe the blog using software to manage certain types of content on the website, such as online media room, an archive of newsletters, the most frequently asked questions and provide product can update the site that is otherwise a very un-friendly search engine, become a source of very cost-effective rankings. This applies to both regular search engines, as well as blog search engine. These are lessons to blog in addition to the joint use as a platform to enhance the credibility and a more personalized voice communication for the company.

Blogs are no silver bullet, and although requires hard work and smart - especially intelligent. However, payments can be significant.

Online Marketing Blog receives most of the traffic from search engines. I can not mention all of our customers, so I will risk is a little vain and offers several examples of our own. This blog is after all, and they are very practical, verifiable ranking examples.

Of course, you can change the rules slightly over time, but here a set of benefits and often found himself explaining to people wondering about search engine optimization benefits of having a blog.

1.Structured content - blog software category feature allows aggregation of content depending on the topic. This makes it easier to algorithmically categorize content. If you can easier for search engines to understand the content, you are much more likely also to Rank these topics.

2.Crawlable addresses - Most blog software offers a simple structure of URLs, which makes it relatively easy to search engine spiders to find and crawl the content of your blog.

3.Internal links - blogs that post product or service-related information can be deeply anchor link to the text of product information or purchase pages deep within the website. This is very beneficial for ranking the long tail phrases.

4.Inbound link magnet - One of the biggest benefits, free blogs link to each other - much more than sites that do this. Blogs are also an important source of many of the messages of social and social media websites. The text, audio and video are easy to syndication supported by the blogs. The more available, the more likely to attract incoming calls. In addition, there are many plug-ins and gadgets that help shares of blog content, thus encouraging links and traffic.

Bonus benefit from a blog:

Blog & RSS Directories - With a blog and corresponding RSS (s), sites can now benefit from a blog search engine visibility and RSS. Web Sites without channels (your competition can?) Are not included in these types of directories and search engines.

About the Author:

Please visit thie links if you are looking for great seo tips. You will find many link buildingarticle submission services.

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Author: ebet sanders

Today, for most of the Internet surfers search engine is not unidentified sentence. Search Engines is the most convenient and easiest tool for extracting information from the World Wide Web. Almost all users of internet search engines take as the main source of information seeking. Index consists of a search engine, millions of Web pages containing a wide range of issues, and encompassing many advanced search criterion. Search engine algorithms are specially planned for screening and synthesis of information together for further withdrawals.

When users cyber look any information through search engines, choose the sites that are very relevant to the issue of search. When people search for information via the World Wide Web, usually using evocative words in place of brand name or conditions. For example, while searching for «the most affordable flight", searchers tend to use "cheap airline prices" for a keyword phrase. Thus, if a company offers flight services, we must optimize the site based on keyword phrase searched, namely, "cheap price of air." It is true that if your site is optimized for the appropriate keywords, then your page will not appear on the results page of search engine (SERP) when searchers and searching for this particular word.

In general, visitors give more importance to the first top 10 search results. Because there is the impression that the results shown in the first 10 are the best locations in this area. Thus, all webmasters trying to increase the SEO visibility to attract more targeted visitors to their website.

Thus, webmasters should use search engine-friendly content and keywords to get a higher ranking in search engine result pages (SERP).

Here are some of the vital SEO tips for increasing the visibility of your website.

• The content plays a very important role in achieving better search engine ranking. Keyword research is very necessary to write good content. While selecting keywords for your site, try to find the words that people use when they search the World Wide Web. Thus, optimize your content with more targeted keywords. It will help you get a better search engine ranking.

• To increase the visibility of the SEO website you can write quality articles for your website as well as for others.

• While designing your site, keep search engines as well as your customers targeted in your mind and build it accordingly to attract both.

• Press releases help to increase the number of inbound-links to your website and will increase your SEO. So always send optimized press releases, because the optimized press release can easily relate to different search engines, news engines and other related website.

• This is one of the best ways to increase your SEO - write blogs and post them in different locations blog? Commercial you will appear everywhere and you will get more number of links back.

• Always avoid unethical search engine optimization methods that can cause search engines to penalize your site or may be banned from search engines.

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Please visit thie links if you are looking for great seo tips. You will find many link buildingarticle submission services.

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Author: ebet sanders

Did you know that one point, if you were 10-page web site, which is not less than 200 words about the content of your site and forwarded it to the major search engines, you should be ranking and receives traffic a short period of time. Then there was a link building revolution, and this needed a lot of work to continue building 1 and 2-way links to your site. These 2 methods, you can fine-tune the site with a slightly seo content and links, and get placement on your site you wanted. Now, most people do not understand this, and they are not positioning keywords properly, or they were more than positioning them and trying anything they read to the beginning of the exposure.

Yes, there is one point, you can only do good hard work for a short period of time and get all the benefits. Now you must work at it regularly. Many site owners are finding that they need to recruit the contents of the authors to send fresh content regularly. Now, the average size of the page is needed closer to 1400 words per page. Other strategies are n. 700 words per page and positioning seo content (keywords) root the right way, but a doubling of your page numbers.

Yes, there is one point, you can only do good hard work for a short period of time and get all the benefits. Now you must work at it regularly. Many site owners are finding that they need to recruit the contents of the authors to send fresh content regularly. Now, the average size of the page is needed closer to 1400 words per page. Other strategies are n. 700 words per page and positioning seo content (keywords) root the right way, but a doubling of your page numbers.

In other words, how much is too much when it comes to SEO content, which I do not think that will be down to who has been a profitable business, and it can continue to out-do any other site, when it comes to content. Eventually, many of the sites are only to disappear, and maybe this is all the idea to get rid of the masses to try to compete at the same time, the business and narrow it down to a handful of dedicated companies who are really trying to provide an excellent service. Lets the fact that there are tons of sites to spam and fraudulent services there, and it will not be long before these guys get called out and pulled off-line.

If you have a serious business owner, and seek to gain exposure and grow your business online is very important to get up-to-date on what is happening on World Wide Web, and the time to research how you can best seo content of better results. If you want to be the one to survive this industry, then it is best not to "know" what is really happening.

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Please visit thie links if you are looking for great seo tips. You will find many link buildingarticle submission services.

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Author: ebet sanders

Each search engine uses its own very specific algorithm for indexing Web pages. All the major search engines keep updating their search algorithms quite often to give their searchers looking for the best experience. Place your site in the search results pages depends on it is the calculation of algorithm. These algorithms are not changed, but everyday develop in an intelligent and precise. Nevertheless, the emphasis is on the meta-tags of the site.

This meta tags are not visible when someone searches your site, but the search engines read this meta-tags and decide that instead of a Web page in its search results pages. It does this by the relevance of meta-tags in them and with its contents. The most important Meta tags are the title, description and keywords. The first thing a search engine looking for is the search for a meaning in these meta-tags by looking at the search terms in them and secondly, it looks the relevance of the keywords that are in these meta-tags with the content of the page.

The title tag

The title is the most important meta tag of your site. This is the first thing on a web page, and this is for both your visitors and especially to the search engine. Therefore, given the extremely important during the search engine optimization is the reflection.

It is always displayed on the left side of the upper bar in the browser window. This day should include the most relevant keywords about your business. If the main keywords are here in your Web site is sure that an increase in a search request.

Most websites use their company name in the title, in fact, is not something desirable. Because no one usually looks for a company name, unless it is very well known, or some multinational giant.

The perfect title tag should be something between 10-70 characters. It is not that we no longer a title, but the search engine would ignore the longer part of the title.

The title tag should provide for the visitors (people looking for your business or services) and the first search engines second. This should motivate a click and obviously in favor of the search engine indexing.

Different title tags should be for each page on your site with its own key words that relate to the respective side.

Description day

The description should days in such a way that they talk about the website content in just one or two sentences.
They should be short and clear, that your visitors get a close idea to your site by reading this in a short time.

The description should days from 100 to 200 characters long. The description meta tag also has a major role in the SEO your side. This day shows the information to a search engine results page (SERP) after a search is performed by a user. So, this should be like this, the concise summary of your page. Most search engines truncate more description. Remember that while writing this day.

As stated above each side should have a different description day in accordance with the contents holds. This day has some impact on the ranking of your site in search engine results. The search engine will read the description day and check whether the keywords or search terms with your title tag and content of your site. My proposal is the first sentence or two from the contents of your site and use that for the meta description content.

Add the most important records with the appropriate content of these pages in description day filling the day with more keywords. Remember that the meta-tag description of a Web page should look not only a set of keywords, but should be an informative and concise summary of your website.

Keywords day

The most sought technology in search engine optimization process is keyword optimization. But at the same time, if keywords are too often repeated, chances are that the site is marked as "spam". "However, if your target key word is not enough, their placement is not optimized. So, with the current algorithms , The really smart and intelligent include only the relevant keywords you want to target and ensure that they are in the content.

Use variations of a keyword such as watches, clocks, wristwatches, etc. They are easily changed keywords and still not make sense to the search for their repeated in the day.

Geographic information (name of the country, town or city), which reflect keywords. Sometimes it plays a major role in the search for a location-based business. Or, even brand names, model name of a product can be used in this day. It also helps when a search is made for a specific product or brand model.

Search engines different weights on the keywords to their positions in HTML tags in the content. For example, if a keyword is used in this present day is heading in the day, even more important especially if the same is in H1-day.

Write your old tags to the images and text links used on the page, so that there is at least a cue from the keyword tag. But, remember the same should look only with the corresponding image or the hyper-link, for which it was written.

The contents have all your keywords. The aggregate keyword density (all search terms, the keyword-day) should be between 20% to 30%, but not less than 5% of the best results optimized. However density for a single keyword should not be less than 2% and higher than 6%. The best is about 5% with the main keywords and 2%, followed by keywords.

The meta tags should be fine tuned with the content and a good relevance is to say between them with a perfect balance between the target group and the search engines.

This meta-tags were really very un-carefully by the spammers, if we are committed to use them methodically with the due respect, I hope, we should be able to create ever-growing web traffic on our sites.

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Please visit thie links if you are looking for great seo tips. You will find many link buildingarticle submission services.

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Many first time bloggers mistakenly believe that once they’ve blog is setup and added a few posts, traffic will come busting through the doors. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. You’ve got to market your site. You won’t get any traffic if no one knows about your web site.

To develop loyal readers, your blog has to have some style. There are some really great templates out there that look outstanding, take advantage of them. Many visitors are turned off by dull unimaginative designs or bold and extreme colors. You’ve also got to make navigation easy. Your goal is to have a unique attractive blog that provides easy (and obvious) navigation from one section to the next. You should also make it easy for readers to contact you. It should never take a reader more than one click to be able to contact you. This makes the reader feel like they are dealing with a real person who actually cares and can help them satisfy their needs.

Your blog’s traffic and popularity have everything to do with its content and how often you post. If you add content once a month, do not expect to get a lot of traffic. The more frequently you post, the more traffic you will get. Those who post daily (or several times each day), will usually see more visitors than once a week posters. But the key here is consistency. If you are going to post every day, stick to that schedule. Your traffic will suffer if you fail to enter new information for a long period of time.

Use Technorati or one of the many other blog ranking search engines to drive traffic to your blog. These services make it much easier for people to find your blog. To maximize Technorati traffic, place a link on your site in a visible location that people can click on to list your blog as one of their favorites. Technorati will rate your blog based on the number of votes you get. Blogs with the highest rankings will get the most traffic.

Although there are no guarantees that your blog will generate massive traffic, using the tactics described above gives you the best chance of that happening. Do you want to learn other money making techniques? Get my FREE ebook and start making money online!.

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Author: Kevin Sinclair

A FFA, or free for all page is a very simple thing in both concept and reality. You can submit one line of text to the page and visitors can click on this text to visit your site if you are interested. This would be a great thing if they worked the way that most business owners would prefer that they did. What business owners, yourself included would like is to receive massive amounts of email from interested customers - but instead, what they see a lot of in their inboxes is email form other business owners trying t make a sales pitch. Not so productive, is it? For most, these FFA pages do not give the necessary return on your investment to make it worthwhile.

So why do FFA pages usually fail to get results? Think about it like this - your ad is just one of possibly thousands on this page. What's more, these sites are often visited by other business owners who have placed ads, but rarely by those looking to buy a product or service.

These pages have another defect as well - they are generally designed to scroll. As new links are added, old ones just keep moving farther and farther down the page. At one time when FFA pages enjoyed less popularity than they do today, your ad may have been near the top for a day. Now, your ad may be out of sight within minutes! This means you would need to repost your ad again and again over the course of a day. And there is still the problem that you are not reaching customers on these pages, just other merchants.

Also counting against FFA pages is the fact that most search engines ignore them entirely. A search engine sees a FFA page as a page of unrelated links and passes it by. Remember, relevance is key with search engines - and FFA pages have nothing of the sort.

FFA webmasters are a bit smarter than those who use them to advertise. The FFA page will require an email address to submit your link; meaning the FFA site owner is building their email list every time someone posts an ad. It is the site owners of FFA pages who are truly the beneficiaries of these pages.

So is posting an ad on a FFA page a complete waste of time? That depends. If you are posting an ad there, the answer is likely yes. However, if you are the host of a FFA page, you can reap a lot of benefits - by doing so you can quickly build a list of prospective customers and that is really the only way to make good on the promise of FFA sites.

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Discover Kevin Sinclair's system for making profits regardless of whether anyone joins your network marketing business.

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