SEO Content: the Secrets of Attracting Traffic to Your Website
Author: John Mahoney
If there is one force that puts the cyberspace, then that would be information. It has become a hot commodity in today’s fast moving world. In answering the demand of information, the worldwide web is designed to get an easy access of information to millions of audience around the world.
Information, nowadays, is not only utilized in satisfying one’s craving for data, it has also become a good utility in marketing products. Perhaps the most effective way to capitalize its usage is through search engine optimization.
When searching for an item in the internet, users would usually go to search engine sites. These sites work by looking through out its database of web pages and returning links for search result. If you wonder how they can possibly obtain copies of numerous links and stored in their own data store room, here is how they do it:
1.Google and other search engine websites have crawlers with them to get some keywords of the website.
1.These keywords are stored in their database.
1.When a user will search a certain topic, the engine will try to sort on websites containing the keywords.
1.Search results will give the internet users the link of the website that contains the keywords.
By using keywords, your websites will be possibly visited by a number of web users around the world. The advantage about attracting traffic to your website is that more advertisement will surely find its exposure on the heavily visited site. Here, the business of search engine optimization or SEO will take place.
The most important thing a website should have is its content. It is the bread and butter of the site. Its contents can make audiences around the world get interested in what one has to offer.
It must be taken into consideration that SEO is the vehicle of the audience to the site and the site’s vehicle to the audience are the ways in which SEO will catch the website.
Here are some few steps to make an SEO friendly website:
1.Prepare for the Meta Tags
One has to be familiar with the basics of HTML to know what tag is. Meta tags are HTML tags which can be found in the source code of an HTML file or simply put it the website source code. Meta tag contains necessary information of the website which cannot be found in the interface page of the website. These are hidden tags that can only be determined by the SEO crawlers.
In this way, one has to prepare the meta tags by putting on it the information about the website, and at the same time getting to know the keywords. Knowing the keywords is like putting a webmaster in the shoes of the searchers. In this way, one can identify what keyword one has to type in the search engine.
1.Creating Website Portals with Lots of Keywords
Website portals are the entry point of every surfer to a certain website. One has to stuff the necessary keywords in the portal so that SEO’s crawler can readily attract on it.
However, extra care must also be done to avoid being blacklisted by the SEO’s. SEO crawlers, especially the most sophisticated one, can detect if there is spamming or too much keyword on the portal. Keywords should not only be substantiated with content, it must also be used wisely along the content. Otherwise, the website will totally be unknown because it is in the blacklist.
1.Consider Submitting Directories to a Search Engine Site
One way of connecting to search engines is not to wait for the crawlers to crawl on the website. Establishing direct contact to the Search Engine site can be done by submitting directories. However, the website must be prepared before submission of directories. It must get rid of dead links or other spamming agent which can be very harmful in search engine ranking of a website.
Directory submission is usually being reviewed manually by the people manning the search engine. In this way, search engines can determine if the website is indeed substantially stuffed.
1.Maintain the URL
One way of maintaining the traffic is to keep the URL. URL is very important for websites especially if one is only dependent on SEO crawlers. Having a dead URL is not only damaging to the website’s ranking, it will also lose the interest of web surfers.
Avoiding any forms of symbols and other non alphanumeric is one way of building a good URL. Symbols and non-alphanumeric characters are usually ignored by the SEO crawlers. In this way, the website will not be overlooked.
Knowing how an SEO works is an advantage for a webmaster. In this way, he is not only increasing the traffic of web surfers, he is also catching some advertisement on his website.
John Mahoney is a freelance author who writes about various technology related subjects including Search engine optimization. For more information about John visit his .
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