Should you place your ads at the top or bottom? In the middle of the text? To the left or right?
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Author: David Batterson
Google Adsense: Where to Place Ads on Your Web Pages
Deciding Where to Place Your Google Ads on Your Web Pages so That They Will Be Most Profitable.
This is one of the best parts of the whole Google Adsense experience. No one else gets to make this decision except you. It’s your page. You get to decide how many ( up to 3 ads per page), what colors and shapes you will use and on what part of the page the ad will be placed. Should you place your ads at the top or bottom? In the middle of the text? To the left or right? There are only billions and billions of websites online to serve as a pretty decent example! So why not take a look around the web?
One piece of advice I can personally give you on strategic adsense placement is to place your ads as close to eye level as possible for maximum exposure without scrolling. In other words, the easiest less confusing your ads are, the more likely they will get noticed which equals more and more clickthroughs.
While I am not the foremost expert on google adsense I am experienced in the field. I am experienced in the field of pay per click advertising and I have seen every trick in the book. All of my ebooks and literature over the years have been read by lots of people seeking success in adsense. From crooks and con men to the legitimate every day Joe. The bottome line is....If you have a simple page and you place adsense on that page hoping to at least make enough adsense clickthrough revenue to pay for your uptime you are in it for all of the wrong reasons and you are ultimately wasting your time.
The guru's who made money on utilizing google adsense advertising for content, researched and researched and dabbled in every single avenue of legitimate website marketing to illegitimate website marketing. Then when they made their millions or when they went broke they wrote ebooks about it and made more money from that. Did they reveal their secrets in the ebooks? Yes. But thats all old hat now! Why? Because google changes its operations nearly weekly now and aren't afraid to deny you money that your reports say they owe you. Is it legal? Yes! Why? Because they reserve the right to change their TOS or "Terms Of Service" at any time with or without notice. This doesn't mean that they are crooks. This simply means that in order for them to provide excellence in online search while remaining number one, they must make huge decisions at a moments notice.
One old trick of the trade in adsense adplacement is to place ads really close to a link or image hoping a mis click could take place by a visitor. Google soon caught on and soon! And went on to re write their policy and made that against the rules. Another trick peple would and still try which is still against the rules is to beg you to click their ads. Google has announced openly over and over again that they do not allow this practice. So while you may be on the right road to success with adsense be sure to follow their simple rules which are laid out in their guidelines.
Cramming pages? If you cram your pages with confusing links, images and other content your site visitors will not be pleased! They probably got to your page by accident anyways. The reason I can honestly come to that conclusion is because you aren't organized! Well....If your page is crammed with confusion I can honestly come to that assesment. I can also assess that your over all adsense earnings are either very low or almost non existant. Lets work on that!How to maximize ad exposure with the least amount of ads, while making revenues, while staying on topic, while providing fresh content!
You will surely want to read this section. Lets start at the top. Find a niche topic that you love researching. Then compare it to competitors who also offer the same information. Now on your desktop open a blank notepad and write a few HOTT paragraphs with the HOTTEST relevant keywords most used while searching an engine for your topic or information. Make sure these few paragraphs are content rich! In other words. Make sure they are on point and offer you what you'd want to read if you were searching for your site on the web as a potential visitor.
Now pick a relevant domain name that is simple and easy to say! The reason why is because word of mouth still works online and still works offline as well! People write and talk about websites every day! So keep this in mind when choosing a relevant domain name.
Now find a reliable web host and pay for hosting. Just buy the minimal hosting that provides you with advertisement free website hosting. You don't want your webhosts ads all over your page! Now get a free web template online that you like and edit it to your liking. Now upload this template while keeping a copy on your desktop of the page content. Everytime you change your page content and you are pleased with it save the page source to the copy on your desktop in case of data loss or server crashing.
Now research your topic from the inside out and create separate pages describing your topic. From articles to on topic news to on topic products etc.
Now subscribe to a general world news feed in rss format and insert it into a table on each of your pages. No need for big huge complicated overwhelming feeds! Just keep it simple. This provides you updated content on general world news daily! This is essential for those times when you just don't feel like updating your topics.
Now sign up for a google adsense account and place a banner ad at eye level that displays text and image ads. Now if you want and have plenty of room get a side bar adsense ad and put it down lower on the left and right.
When you have the site the way you want it. And it loads in decent time. And you feel really good about it. Create a simple sitemap for google's crawler by placing a simple notepad document entitled sitemap.txt into the root folder of every webpage within your site. In each sitemap it should only list the pages full URL one URL per line. For example if I had a site named and I had 3 sub pages in the same directory on my server I would list each of the three full URL's one per line in one sitemap.txt file and I would upload it to the same folder each pages index file is located. Practice this until you get it right. There is an XML sitemap procedure that can be referred to but it is much more complicated and takes more time although it does work better. Now visit your google account and submit your main site URL within your account and also submit the full URL path to each sitemap you have created. When this is all finished submit your website to every free search engine online and be patient. Start blogging like a mad man and every few days visit your google account and take a look at your reports! Research your reports and know them well! When you change a strategy from within your website these reports will soon reflect this. Be patient though! Googles crawl service may not get to crawl your pages for a few days or a week! So give it a couple of weeks before making major changes. But always update your content. I wish you luck and success in google adsense and I hope that this article helped you figure out how some of the lesser talked about topics pertaining to google adsense are handled. Thanks for reading! David Batterson
About the Author:
The Web Masters Marketplace Please stop by and see us! Visit our products page for a list of awesome master resale rights products. And also visit our article directory and contribute!Submit Your Articles
Deciding Where to Place Your Google Ads on Your Web Pages so That They Will Be Most Profitable.
This is one of the best parts of the whole Google Adsense experience. No one else gets to make this decision except you. It’s your page. You get to decide how many ( up to 3 ads per page), what colors and shapes you will use and on what part of the page the ad will be placed. Should you place your ads at the top or bottom? In the middle of the text? To the left or right? There are only billions and billions of websites online to serve as a pretty decent example! So why not take a look around the web?
One piece of advice I can personally give you on strategic adsense placement is to place your ads as close to eye level as possible for maximum exposure without scrolling. In other words, the easiest less confusing your ads are, the more likely they will get noticed which equals more and more clickthroughs.
While I am not the foremost expert on google adsense I am experienced in the field. I am experienced in the field of pay per click advertising and I have seen every trick in the book. All of my ebooks and literature over the years have been read by lots of people seeking success in adsense. From crooks and con men to the legitimate every day Joe. The bottome line is....If you have a simple page and you place adsense on that page hoping to at least make enough adsense clickthrough revenue to pay for your uptime you are in it for all of the wrong reasons and you are ultimately wasting your time.
The guru's who made money on utilizing google adsense advertising for content, researched and researched and dabbled in every single avenue of legitimate website marketing to illegitimate website marketing. Then when they made their millions or when they went broke they wrote ebooks about it and made more money from that. Did they reveal their secrets in the ebooks? Yes. But thats all old hat now! Why? Because google changes its operations nearly weekly now and aren't afraid to deny you money that your reports say they owe you. Is it legal? Yes! Why? Because they reserve the right to change their TOS or "Terms Of Service" at any time with or without notice. This doesn't mean that they are crooks. This simply means that in order for them to provide excellence in online search while remaining number one, they must make huge decisions at a moments notice.
One old trick of the trade in adsense adplacement is to place ads really close to a link or image hoping a mis click could take place by a visitor. Google soon caught on and soon! And went on to re write their policy and made that against the rules. Another trick peple would and still try which is still against the rules is to beg you to click their ads. Google has announced openly over and over again that they do not allow this practice. So while you may be on the right road to success with adsense be sure to follow their simple rules which are laid out in their guidelines.
Cramming pages? If you cram your pages with confusing links, images and other content your site visitors will not be pleased! They probably got to your page by accident anyways. The reason I can honestly come to that conclusion is because you aren't organized! Well....If your page is crammed with confusion I can honestly come to that assesment. I can also assess that your over all adsense earnings are either very low or almost non existant. Lets work on that!How to maximize ad exposure with the least amount of ads, while making revenues, while staying on topic, while providing fresh content!
You will surely want to read this section. Lets start at the top. Find a niche topic that you love researching. Then compare it to competitors who also offer the same information. Now on your desktop open a blank notepad and write a few HOTT paragraphs with the HOTTEST relevant keywords most used while searching an engine for your topic or information. Make sure these few paragraphs are content rich! In other words. Make sure they are on point and offer you what you'd want to read if you were searching for your site on the web as a potential visitor.
Now pick a relevant domain name that is simple and easy to say! The reason why is because word of mouth still works online and still works offline as well! People write and talk about websites every day! So keep this in mind when choosing a relevant domain name.
Now find a reliable web host and pay for hosting. Just buy the minimal hosting that provides you with advertisement free website hosting. You don't want your webhosts ads all over your page! Now get a free web template online that you like and edit it to your liking. Now upload this template while keeping a copy on your desktop of the page content. Everytime you change your page content and you are pleased with it save the page source to the copy on your desktop in case of data loss or server crashing.
Now research your topic from the inside out and create separate pages describing your topic. From articles to on topic news to on topic products etc.
Now subscribe to a general world news feed in rss format and insert it into a table on each of your pages. No need for big huge complicated overwhelming feeds! Just keep it simple. This provides you updated content on general world news daily! This is essential for those times when you just don't feel like updating your topics.
Now sign up for a google adsense account and place a banner ad at eye level that displays text and image ads. Now if you want and have plenty of room get a side bar adsense ad and put it down lower on the left and right.
When you have the site the way you want it. And it loads in decent time. And you feel really good about it. Create a simple sitemap for google's crawler by placing a simple notepad document entitled sitemap.txt into the root folder of every webpage within your site. In each sitemap it should only list the pages full URL one URL per line. For example if I had a site named and I had 3 sub pages in the same directory on my server I would list each of the three full URL's one per line in one sitemap.txt file and I would upload it to the same folder each pages index file is located. Practice this until you get it right. There is an XML sitemap procedure that can be referred to but it is much more complicated and takes more time although it does work better. Now visit your google account and submit your main site URL within your account and also submit the full URL path to each sitemap you have created. When this is all finished submit your website to every free search engine online and be patient. Start blogging like a mad man and every few days visit your google account and take a look at your reports! Research your reports and know them well! When you change a strategy from within your website these reports will soon reflect this. Be patient though! Googles crawl service may not get to crawl your pages for a few days or a week! So give it a couple of weeks before making major changes. But always update your content. I wish you luck and success in google adsense and I hope that this article helped you figure out how some of the lesser talked about topics pertaining to google adsense are handled. Thanks for reading! David Batterson
About the Author:
The Web Masters Marketplace Please stop by and see us! Visit our products page for a list of awesome master resale rights products. And also visit our article directory and contribute!

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