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By: Jeremy Long Chia Teik

The term BLOGGING is phenomenal! Blogging has dramatically changed the communication scenario over the years, making it to be much easier, more personalized and more effective. Blogging has been the success factor for many bloggers. There are several important keys to success in blogging. These keys will unlock many stubborn obstacles along the blogging trail.

Many prerequisites must be fulfilled even before thinking about achieving success in blogging. They include having a clear and definite perception of what type of blog will best fit your marketing plans, how can the blog be tracked and how will comments be handled. Planning the most appropriate blogging strategy is another aspect that should not be omitted.

(1) Adhere to the culture of blogging

The culture of blogging requires the blogger to be real. This means that you must be identified with your audience, do everything for the readers, write good content that will captivate them and make space for their interaction. Regular posting, creation of links, providing good comments on other blogs, pinging your blog upon its completion, application of feeds, creation of catchy and compelling titles for search engines, and adding the element of fun - these are some of the keys to success in blogging.

(2) Bring in the traffic

Traffic is essential to blogs. Analyze the number of visitors per day, pages visited thus far, and the origin of these visitors. Blogging encourages conversations, therefore, it is important to look at the quality of the visitors and their visits. The sources of such incoming traffic may include search engines, links from other blogs, and other normal marketing efforts. It would be beneficial to study them to improve your strategy for building traffic. Factors such as providing comments on your blog, including interviews on your blog, and providing prompt responses to questions posted by other bloggers, play a vital role in stimulating traffic growth to your blog.

(3) Be actively involved in conversations

Blogging requires conversations. Conversations will lead to the development of traffic for your blog. It is an important key to getting success in blogging. Invite other bloggers to your blog. Link more to other bloggers. If there is an incoming link to your blog, it implies two things: (a) that you have content that interests the other blogger (b) that the door to exponential growth in traffic is being opened. Incoming links are precious, even if they are from minor blogs.

(4) Prepare for search engine optimization

Getting more readers and customers to your blog can be achieved when you have your blog prepared for search engine optimization. That is, make your site friendly to search engines, which can affect your traffic positively and negatively. Certain factors that will help include having meaningful addresses for instance www., having links to the blog home page and main home page, and putting up great page titles.

(5) Extend warm welcome

Getting visitors to stay longer on your blog requires diligent work in extending your warm welcome. Encourage visitors to look around and ask questions. Provide a short introduction about yourself. Show them recent posts and links to other blogs of interest. Provide visitors the easy access to content that interest them by way of feeds. They will be able to subscribe to your blog and become readers eventually.

(6) Make your blog known

One of the keys to success in blogging is through promotion using conventional marketing methods. You can include your blog on your business card. This will create a viral effect, and people will come to know about your blog. With good content on your blog, visitors will be in for positive experiences. This opens the door to the building of relationships.

(7) Build the relationships

In blogging, relationships bring bloggers closer. Many lessons in blogging can be learned . Blogs can be better improved with ideas and contributions from other bloggers. Personalization is integral to blogging. A honest and transparent relationship brings out the best of contributions from every blogger. Positive experiences can be gained. Feeding comments on other blogs, linking to other blogs, sending emails to other bloggers, and even talking to other bloggers through innovative Skype - all these are vital keys to success in blogging.

(8) Discard all distractions

The blog for all its intentions is a good way of communicating with other bloggers, and in the process gain their trust and to build good relationships through good content on your blog. Preferably, ads should be not placed on your blog.These may distract your readers as well as not enhancing the value of your own business. Conversations are the main factors that will support your goal in trust and relationship building. Offering blog specific promotions such as contests centered on the ad, being involved in interesting charity events, or establishing a podcast interview with the advertiser, are sound ways to putting ads on your blog, if really needed to.

(9) Develop a community for your blog

No blog is an island. Increase the visibility of your blog. Build a community on your blog to share ideas and interests. A community will open up new opportunities. It provides new challenges, and it never fails to impart important information that will benefit others. Everyone in the community will stand to gain from the dissemination of latest news about new job opportunities, new fitness equipment or even a new hairstyling salon that may be of interest to the relevant business. Information from high profile bloggers will also add value to the knowledge of the community.

Blogging enhances the visibility of your business. It provides great opportunities for the exponential growth of your business. The keys to success in blogging have been listed above, but the ultimate outcome is still dependent on your commitment to your blog, the amount of hard work that you are ready to put in, and your desire to succeed.

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By: Joe Hunley

Entrecard--What Is It:
Entrecard is a Blogging Community that exchanges Business Cards in the form of Widgets with other members. Joining Entrecard is Free, and you can have more than one Blog listed if you desire. Once you are a member--you can view the numerous Blogs listed in the many categories, and "Drop your Card" on their Blog, in turn they can return the favor and Drop on your Blog. Dropping your Business card on others Blogs increase your Credits, which you can use to advertise on other members Sites. These credits will vary depending on the Blog you want to advertise on. As you increase your popularity and standing in the community, the cost to advertise on your Blog will increase. The Ads that you purchase will be placed for 24 hours--so--anyone visiting their Blog will have the change to Click on your Site.

Benefit's of Entrecard:
A certain benefit is the increase of traffic you will receive. Other members will be Dropping their cards on your site to increase their credits, hoping that you will return the favor. There is also the increase in traffic from non-members visiting the Entrecard Site. Upon selecting a category, they will be presented with a list of Widget's to choose from. Make sure your Widget is designed to draw attention, and keep dropping cards so that your Widget gets a higher ranking' the closer you are to the top--the better the chances of someone visiting your Blog.
As an added benefit, you can view several Blogs on one Site---this allows you to see how others design and promote their Blogs, Giving you ideas to improve yours.

Thing's to Remember:
You MUST spend the time dropping as many cards as you can. Everyone who receives your card will not always return the favor. Not everyone visiting your Blog will be interested in viewing your Content, many will be there just to drop their card and earn a Credit. Keep your Content updated and interesting--If people subscribe to your Blog, they want to see something new.
If you feel that your Widget does not Interest people---Change it. Decided to list another Blog also? Keep in mind that each Blog has a different account--You will have to drop cards for Both.

If you are willing to spend the time visiting other Blogs and dropping your card, you will notice an increase in traffic visiting yours. This increase is traffic could benefit your ranking in Alexa and Google.
I use Entrecard to promote my blog and have found that the time invested was worth the return.
So--Visit Entrecard--it's Free--Easy to use, and Effective, and feel free to drop a card on my Blog

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By: Alan Carr

Blogs are a great way to draw traffic to our site. Because blogs are much more sociable than ecommerce and other high profile company sites they naturally draw targeted traffic a lot easier.

Just like any web site, it is essential you have traffic visiting your blog. Once you have a constant flow of traffic coming to your blog it’s much easier to run as you will build responses and get feedback for the articles that you’ve posted.

A great way of increasing traffic to your blog is by posting in forums and other online communities targeted at your blogs niche. There are literally thousands of forums on the internet and finding one in your niche to increase traffic to your blog shouldn’t be a problem. Just search google or one of the other major search engines.

Targeted traffic is extremely important as it will bring you more dedicated readers to your blog. Random hits don’t mean anything these days, you want to recruit an audience and keep them interested by posting on topic articles that will kepp them coming back.

Another great ways of increasing traffic is writing articles, just like this one. Make sure your article is on topic and gives as much information as possible. You’re your articles between 250-500 words for best results.

Social book marking is also becoming a great way to increase traffic to your blog. Website like Digg, and Stumble Upon can bring hoards of traffic to your site with the correct post.

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By: Suneva Lightfoot

A weblog is an online journal or diary. Part of the attraction to blogs from the beginning was that they supported a sense of community on the Internet. Weblogs are focused on a particular interest such as photography or kite making. The difference between a blog and a regular website is the interaction between the reader and the author of the blog: on most of these websites when you read a blog you have the opportunity to post a comment about what the author has written.

But lately blogs have become a source of income for many through the use of advertising. Google introduced Ad Sense and it became extremely popular because it’s a text form of advertising instead of a graphic image. Now the focus is on how to “monetize” blogs even further making them a genuine vehicle for business profits instead of just personal opinions.

This shift has caused a great deal of controversy and the truth of the matter is the process of making money from your blog is not as simple as it appears. Although there are many people who will tell you differently, a truly successful blog doesn’t happen overnight. And it won’t happen at all if you are not involved in the process; you don’t have to be a techno-genius, you can hire someone to do the programming, but you must have an understanding of the purpose of it and how a blog function.

There are several key elements that must work together harmoniously in order for your blog to generate income:

• blog publishing software
• social bookmarking
• blog comments
• RSS/syndication
• feed aggregators
• trackbacks
• search engines and optimization techniques
• page rank
• contextual advertising
• affiliate programs
• webserver statistics
• email
• tagging
• pings

If this is new information for you and you have just fallen off your chair, brace yourself because there is more. This is a partial list of the web technologies and techniques you need to become familiar with in order to truly monetize your blog. A "Truly Monetized" blog means a monthly check for $3,000.00 instead of $30.00. The items listed here also represent some of the basic factors in Web 2.0: an Internet environment that is highly interactive, community oriented and extremely user-friendly.

Internet technology is constantly moving forward: now that it has become an accepted vehicle for businesses the focus has shifted to developing communities and personal interactions between these communities. The days of the static website are numbered; search engines must navigate through over 100 million websites in their task of creating the index for their directories. Websites that do not refresh their content on a regular basis will find themselves sinking in the search engine results listings and will eventually be excluded. The format of a blog is built around adding content on a regular basis: this is what makes a blog as a business website so versatile and lucrative.

The prominence of weblogs is partially due to the daily addition of new content which causes the search engines to return to the site and index them again. You can make money using a blog and the techniques that link it to the network of individuals who are interested in what you have to say, your product offerings or the services you provide.

But this process will not be a walk in the park: it takes determination and a high level of effort to monetize your blog successfully. The good news is that it is already being done. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here; find a blog that is successful and study the methods that were used to achieve that success. Learn your business in detail and then research which of those methods will work best for you.

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By: Jeremy Long Chia Teik

Blogs are hot in demand. Blogging is the current craze in communication over the internet. The web horizon is alive with active blogging activities, indulged in by people with different cultures from all over the world. The involvement with blogging is occupying much of the blogger's time. Efforts spent on the blog reveal admirable results in terms of good content that is varied and of depth offering appeal and enjoyment to readers.

The popularity of blogs can be attributed to the following reasons:

(1) Blogs are easy to use

Blogs have the support from standardized technologies . Blogging can be done with real ease. Publishing content on the web can now be done with any hassle. Additionally, each blog can reference the information on other blogs. Blogs provide the bloggers with the opportunity to provide comments easily on other blog posts. This process opens up the opportunity to build good relationships. The relative ease in writing your thoughts and posting them for other bloggers to read certainly goes well with bloggers.

(2) Blogs are easily set up

There are numerous blogging software that will support the easy set up of any blog. Technological knowledge or expertise is not a prerequisite in setting up the blog. These blogging software additionally supports bloggers in many other areas such as keeping shared record of their work easily and convenient posting of comments.

(3) Blog owners are real humans

Behind every blog is a real human being. Each blog owner is different in many ways from the others. Blogging has brought people of different cultures together through communicating on their blogs. The reason is because the blog is basically approachable. Blogs encourage dialog which is so vital to the development of relationships amongst bloggers. The blog requires the human voice, and this makes blogging exceptionally special in terms of personalization through each blog. These factors actually increase the popularity of blogs today.

(4) Good networking communities are created by blogs

It is inherent in the culture of blogging that bloggers communicate with one another via link lists, their personal posts and through the posting of their comments on the blogs of others. This process supports the dissemination of information as well as making referencing of other bloggers' information very much easy. The interchange of information and knowledge brings bloggers closer together. The opportunity to build mutual understanding, trust and cordial relationship increases as the networking mechanism develops.

(5) Conversational culture of blogs

Blogs allow bloggers to speak with personal voices. Conversations are easily created and distributed, giving rise to the much desired network that every blogger would love to start. The conversational culture of blogging brings out the true spirit of blogging. Bloggers speak with honesty and transparency. They want the conversations to be true and real in terms of sincerity and meaning. The conversations can be carried elsewhere beyond the blog itself. In effect, the blog will readily support the connection of bloggers with similar interests.

(6) Blogs are well-loved by search engines

Search engines love blogs intensely. The main reasons are that blogs usually contain many keyword-rich pages and constantly updated content. These content are often appropriately linked to other content, and this actually increases the popularity of blogs. Blogs that have a fair amount of incoming links certainly indicate that their content is well-written, relevant and well-received, and that their credibility will be positively assessed by search engines. Blogs that show good content indicates their authority on the subject.

(7) Blogs are versatile

Blogs make communication real and easy. They are versatile by nature. It is so convenient to make announcements, put up event calendars and to conduct exchange of information and knowledge. Technologies have benefited blogs immensely. Blogs provide good opportunities for better web visibility and syndication. Readers benefit from the easy access to other new information that they need from other blogs without having to disclose their email addresses.

Blogs are used for personal and corporate intentions. Many technologies in their synergy have made blogs where they are today. The communication scenario on the internet has improved dramatically, and this is attributed solely to the popularity of blogs.

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By: Jeremy Long Chia Teik

Blogging is fun. Getting your blog set up is fun too. The hard work that often comes after this involves getting the blog out on the right footing to gain identity on the internet and the all important traffic. It is important for the blogger to pave the way for visitors and help them to the blog. This should be the case if any blogger wants to locate people online.

Information can be easily searched for on the web. Blogs prove to be popular sources of information. Most people will make use of search engines for their information search, and this trend will remain to be so. The blog must therefore be optimized in the eyes of search engines, if it wants to be visible to information-searching people. Blog ranking deserves serious consideration.

There are certain valuable guidelines that will help your blog to rank well:

(1) Aim for more links

More incoming links to your site will impress the spiders of the search engines. These links must be of quality and bear relevance to the content of your blog. They should preferably come from sites with higher rankings, as this will positively affect your own ranking. These links will undoubtedly drive up traffic to your site.

(2) Be the owner of your domain

It is beneficial if you can obtain the domain name for your personal name. Similarly, try to get the domain name that will match your product name or company name. This is another technique that will improve your blog ranking as far as search engine ranking algorithms are concerned.

(3) Opt for short domain names

It certainly pays to have shorter domain names, for instance It is easier to remember and is easily recognizable. The domain name readily informs the reader what the site is all about.

(4) Be unique

In choosing a name for your product, aim for uniqueness. This will attraction attention from visitors. It is important to differentiate yourself, even in the choice of a name.

(5) Get the right keyword placement

The keywords must be placed high on the page where it is clearly visible to visitors. They should be the text first greeting the visitors. They should also preferably be in large and bold font, as this will capture attention.

(6) Make dedicated pages

Every product offered should have a dedicated page. Even your personal biography should similarly have one. This makes linking easier for the visitor.

(7) Insert your full name in links

When you do have "About the Author" page, remember to insert your complete name in the link to read as, for instance, "About Jeremy Long". This shows professionalism.

(8) Show respect to names

It would be wise to use complete names throughout the length of the page or post. For example, in the bio for Alex Jones, it would be respectful to use Alex Jones instead of "Alex" or "Jones" if "he" is no longer used in the text.

(9) Linking back to your site

If you are on another site, say, MySpace, always remember to firstly link back to your own site, and secondly create a link to the title of whatever you may be promoting on your site. Readers will be redirected to your site in both situations. Traffic will gradually increase.

Good content and easy navigation within the blog are important to visitors. To increase traffic, visibility of the blog must be improved. That said, efforts must be put in to get good blog ranking.

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7 Deadly Reasons That Might Be Killing Your Productivity as a Blogger

Are you disappointed with the fact that, no matter how hard you try, you can never seem to get things done in a productive manner? If so, then acting now is the way to go because you can rest assured that things will not exactly get better if you just stand there and wait for a miracle. As a blogger, being productive is definitely a must if you are serious about long-term success and living in denial is simply not an option.

Here are 7 reasons why you might never succed as a blogger.

1. You Are Not Passionate About You’re Doing

If you are not passionate about your blogging then maximizing your results can and will prove to be big challenge.

2.You have wrongly set your priorities

Simply being busy isn’t going to cut it. You can work all day and feel all worn out, only to realize that you haven’t actually accomplished anything worthwhile. Identifying the tasks which are worth your time and dropping those which are not is the way to go if you are serious about being productive as a blogger or in any job.

3.You Are Not Used To Working

Yo may not be used WORKING. You won’t be able to see results overnight, no matter how desperately you would LIKE to. Take
it one step at a time and you are on the right track.

4.You Are Distracted

If you are unable to concentrate on certain tasks, if anything seems to be able to act as a distraction, then I’m afraid that you have a serious problem you need to work on. Try small things that will help you focus, like working IN a specific room or time, removing the telephone from your surroundings, avoiding to surf aimlessly on the internet.

5. You Take Too Many Breaks

There is nothing wrong with a well-deserved break every now and then, but on the other hand, you have to determine when enough is enough and act accordingly. Stop being LAZY. It is a lie. YOU CAN'T MAKE MONEY IN YOUR UNDERPANTS!!I f you want to succeed, the work hard.

6.Respect Your Health

Having a healthy lifestyle is an investment in yourself and the most important one you can make, ignore this aspect at your own risk. Don't compromise your life because of your work. Eat, sleep in time.

7.You Seem to Never Learn

"Erare Humanus est". It is natural for us mortals to make mistakes but not learning from your mistakes, on the other hand, is unacceptable. You might fall into the trap of a certain time waster once, it happens. But if you don’t learn your lesson then, my friend, you will end up making the same mistakes over and over again compromising your chances of ever getting the success you crave about.

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By: KW Singh

Once you know what a blog is, you may ask: How does this help my business? How does it help me to stand out?

1. Team Communication. Companies use blogs internally to communicate project status to stakeholders and managers. It beats clogging everybody's email with mass broadcasts. It allows these missives to be archived, indexed and easily searched.

2. Enrich Your Clients. You can easily link to articles and resources relevant to your readers and their needs. You can more easily attract experts to provide value-added content to your audience.

3. Get to Know Your Customer. Nobody buys from someone they do not know. Blogging allows you to demonstrate your expertise and point-of-view quickly and easily. In addition, blogs allow the customers to receive your updates in the format they choose.

4. Collaborate. You can create your own marketing buzz to drive attention and buyers to your products and services. Some companies use internal blogs to report on projects or to track work groups distributed around the world.

5. Research and Development. Weblogs are the perfect forum to test out new ideas and receive instant feedback. You can allow others to see how you develop your products and services, and at the same time, they can tell you how best to serve them.

6. Go Global. Blogs, like other online media, allow you to take your business and ideas to a global market. Translation services are getting better every day, allowing more people to read online content in different languages.

7. Hidden Entrance to the Press. Journalists are busier than ever and blogs provide a virtual directory of pundits on any topic. You and your company can be the content expert they are looking for. Furthermore, if your company is talked about in the blogosphere it could end up using that exposure as a back door to the press.

8. Get Published. Publishers are turning to blogs to find new writing talent. Blogs can give a publisher a taste of your writing style as well as a sample of your depth of knowledge. Content specific blogs show a commitment to a certain topic or subject matter.

9. Write your book. Let your readers help you write your latest book or article. Post chapters or ideas, then let readers help you in researching, testing and suggesting ideas. Or, use a blog after your book is published to update the material or to answer questions from readers.

10. Success Stories. Invite clients to blog about their successes with your products and services - it is like a living testimonial that never ends. As clients share their experiences, your prospects can see first-hand how you can help them, too.

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By: Patrick DeMasi

It's been years since blogging has been practiced. But it's just recently that it has been considered as one of the addicting fads. Many teenagers have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their emotions, a little online nook where they can blurt out whatever just bugs them or whatever makes them feel elated. Savvy marketers have discovered that blogging is one of the best Internet marketing methods that won't cost you a cent.
What exactly is blogging? Blog is the widely used term that refers to web log. Basically, a blog is an online journal. A blog could be set up to no cost at all, and can be used for just for the fun of it or for business reasons.
Blogging for your Internet business is one surefire way to boost the visibility of your products and services. Here are a few ways to boost your internet advertising with the help of a blog:
1. Make your clients or customers abreast on your website's alterations. Your new products and affiliate websites could also be announced through your blog.
2. Keep track of your business objectives and plans through open writing. Your blog content can be easily stored through archives. What could be better than searchable information that could be easily accessed by anyone browsing the web, right?
3. Air your opinions, advice or reviews on specific services or products that are related to your business. Publishing is a very easy process with blogging.
4. Include links that will fetch back links and subsequently improve your ranking on search engines. This could be better executed through putting well-written articles in your website. Affiliate links could also be included in your blog to earn more extra income.
5. Collect response through the ability of blogs to fetch comments from your blog readers. You can learn and improve your products and services through with the feedback from your readers.
6. Connect easily with other bloggers. When other bloggers notice that you have something good in your blog, they will put you in their favorite lists that will automatically link you to their blogs.
So, how do you set up a blog? Here are some of the options you can make use of to take advantage of this fun way to advertise your Internet business.
Either you load a blogging software or let a blogging hosting service do it for you. Host services such as LiveJournal and are the most popular in this field. Those hosts will provide you with easy instructions on how to put up your blog.

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By: Sheryl Polomka

There are many people who do blog just for fun but it is also becoming a very popular way to earn an income online. The blogging business is really starting to boom as it is an incredibly easy type of business to have. Here are some tips that may help you to get your blogging business up and running.

• Do keyword research on your niche and don’t just use the one keyword but use many keyword phrases that relate to your niche. The main keyword for your niche could have a lot of competition and you could struggle to gain good traffic and a good search engine ranking. By using long tail keyword phrases there will be less competition and you will rank much higher in the search engines. So keyword research is always important if you want your blog to be successful.

• Make your blog posts interesting and give your readers good quality content. If you have bad content then your visitors are not likely to return to your blog. The best way to succeed with blogging is to have those visitors coming back to your blog over and over again. By offering good quality content your readers will return and be regular visitors to your blog.

• To earn money blogging to will need to have some advertising or affiliate links within your blog but just don’t overdo it. There is nothing worse than a blog that is just filled with advertising. It looks cheap and nasty and will turn visitors away very quickly. So don’t overdo advertising and be subtle with your advertising.

• Update your blog regularly. One problem that many bloggers have is that they start a blog and it all goes well for a couple of weeks. Then something else takes their interest and the blog gets left behind. For your blog to be successful you need to update it on a regular basis. Try to post to your blog at least once a week and more often if you can. The more you post to your blog the higher ranking you will get and the more successful it will be.

When your blog starts to become well known and attracting a lot of traffic you will start to become known as an expert in your niche. Maintain your good reputation by keeping your content good and accurate.

These tips are fairly easy and hopefully will give your blogging business a boost and have you earning that income that you dream of.

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By: Elisabeth Kuhn

Are WordPress Lessons right for you? If you want to make money on the internet, read on and find out.

A WordPress blog is almost a must-have these days, especially if you want lots of traffic and high search engine rankings. Google loves blogs because Google loves fresh content. And if you set up and run your blog correctly, Google will love yours too.

I was a total newbie when I started my first round of WordPress Lessons, taught by Mike Paetzold, and I have to admit that I felt a bit overwhelmed. There was just so much information. I barely got my blog set up before the course was halfway over. And Mike wants us to have our blogs up and running BEFORE he even gets started with the actual lessons.

But a funny thing happened. As I went back over the material and asked questions, which Mike patiently answered, in detail, it started to fall into place. By the time the course was over, I had a blog up and running, and was happily blogging away.

So how do WordPress Lessons work and what will you get?

It's set up as a membership site. In that site, you get everything you need (blog files, plug-ins, etc.) set up ready for download and installation. There are videos that show how to do it all, plus PDF file checklists. The lessons themselves are held as webinars.

The idea is that you install your blog before things even start, but newbies rarely manage to do it all. No problem. Mike helps, in the forum, through his help desk, and live during the lessons.

In the lessons, Mike helps us to set up our blogs so that the search engines will love them and list them where people can find them. And he helps us set them up so that they'll run smoothly.

And how to make money. In fact, one lesson was entirely devoted to ways in which we could monetize our blogs. And not only the various ways, but also strategies to maximize the income from them, i.e., which ones to put where, what kinds of promotional tools to pick, and so on.

Of course, without traffic there won't be any money, so an entire lesson is devoted how to drive traffic to them and build a list.

In the last lesson, Mike looked at our blogs, and helped us make them look more professional, work better, and make more money. And since the lessons were in webinar format, we could see everybody's blog as he talked about them and were able to learn from each of his case studies.

So should you consider taking WordPress Lessons? You might want to seriously consider it if any of the following applies:

You want a blog to promote your business
You want to build an internet business
You have a blog that isn't doing what you want it to do
You want to earn (more) money with your blog

The last one is what WordPress Lessons is really designed for. Mike makes a full-time living with his blogs, and he's very open about sharing the good, the bad, and the how-to.

Any drawbacks? The first go-around can be challenging if you're a total newbie. But if you're willing to stick with it and work hard, you can do it, and you'll get all the help you'll need to make it happen.

Another drawback? With all the trouble-shooting and the individual questions, the lessons can get a bit tedious at times. But I've never considered tuning out - the info I got was just too valuable.

So even the drawbacks are actually pluses of sorts - too much information means when you're ready for it, it'll be there for you to make use of. And Mike's patient and elaborate answers are worth their weight in gold, especially if they answer your own questions.

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