Email Marketing in 2008, Exactly Like in 2006! (maybe With Some Little Changes)
By: Tudor Ciurescu
Despite what you may have heard, email marketing is not dead... and you're going to discover every single step you need to take to effectively adapt to marketing with email and autoresponders.
The great news is you'll be spoon fed tips you must know, strategies you must use, secret methods you must apply and lethal mistakes you must avoid.
I suggest you refrain from sending another email... even just one, until you dig deep into this valuable information... because it will make or break you!
Even if you take nothing else away from this letter, take this...
A good friend of mine once told me...
It Takes Any Prospect You're Targeting An Average Of 7 Times Before They Finally "Tune In" To Your Sales Message... But It Can Take As Many As 13!
But that doesn't mean you have to generate seven times more traffic, or submit your link to seven times the amount of directories... it simply means you have to follow up your prospects at seven more intervals for them to finally "tune in" and buy from you.
Everyone knows this of course - and if you didn't, you'll need to. That fact alone may give you an insight into why your current marketing isn't working...
...And That's One Of The Reasons That Drove You Here In The First Place, Out Of Desperation For More Time, More Money, And Brighter Success!
Now remember I said you need to follow up on your prospects, well that also doesn't mean chasing them down through web services, ringing them up every night for a week, or posting them letters that get dumped anyway... well, not anymore.
Amazingly and "magically" you can now automate the whole process making your marketing loads more effective, and heaps more efficient.
Don't even think that you'll be able to handle it all manually. Thinking like...
That Is Probably One Of The Main Reasons
You Are Suffering From Crap Conversion Rates!
Look, I don't mean that as judgmental. I've been there before, but harnessing the power of autoresponders meant I was automating the persuasion to buy process... building a mega mailing list at the same time... AND not having to do a thing.
If you are smart (which you are) then by now you are beginning to understand why you need this information so badly in order to succeed in 2006, and kick your competitors butt so hard you'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
You Know You Are Getting Unbelievable Value
And Accurate Up-To-Date Proven Secrets
Tips, Tactics And Strategies That WORK!
A word of caution: This little-known information is so powerful and unique that it is not available anywhere else.
Just incase you are thinking that you've already got something like this, let me remind you that you definitely haven't got anything like this. You do not know all of these tips, step-by-step methods and techniques... because not even *I* know it all.
Even I have to keep referring back to it to brush up on my skills.
There is nothing else like this anywhere else on the net.
Do not settle for re-hashed, re-written garbage hype that you are trying to avoid, when you have access to some of the most powerful information ever imagined... so powerful and
out-of-this-world you wouldn't even come across it in your wildest, richest dreams.
Do you want to have your own e-book empire? Do you want to have your own internet business just by clicking some buttons? No Html, no Ftp, no nothing.
You don`t have to know any of this.
Just go at and read the page. Maybe you will find it interesting, or maybe not. Just don`t let this opportunity pass beside you.
You will be amazed at what you will find out there.
Technorati Tags:email marketing, business to business email marketing, fast money, internet marketing email, free email marketing, tudor ciurescu, tudor,, fastmoney
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