Manage Your Time Wisely
By: Raivyn
Do you spend hours blogging and feel like you're not getting anywhere? Are you not achieving your goals? Do you get sidetracked easily?
Many bloggers do, and usually it's because they waste time that they could have been using to plan, post, and promote their blogs.
Time management is very important, as it not only affects your productivity and the quality of your work, but it also affects your life away from the computer. With proper planning and efficient work habits, you can spend more time with family and friends, find more time to sleep, and stop stressing about your online life.
Here are a few tips to help you manage your time more wisely:
If you have not already, decide how much time should be spent blogging each day. This will vary from person to person because 1) not everyone blogs every day, 2) some people read other blogs to catch up on the latest news, etc., and 3) a lot of bloggers have another job or families to tend to.
The goal here is to allow yourself enough time to carry out your preferred blogging rituals, write a quality post (or several), and promote your blog(s) without taking too much time out of your life away from the internet.
Make a blogging plan for the day. Out of your total time allotted, create a schedule that includes whatever tasks you want to accomplish. Try to meet your deadlines without lowering the quality of your work. Set a timer if you have to.
It may take a while to develop a steady pace and keep it, but this will come with time and self-discipline.
Work at the same time each day (or night). This will help you to establish a routine, and you will be able to focus better and work quickly and efficiently. Humans are creatures of habit.
Don't touch that inbox! Stop yourself from compulsively checking your email (or MySpace!), and limit your time doing so. One to three times a day should suffice for most.
Take short breaks. Choose a few convenient times to stop and get a drink or stretch, something to keep your mind alert. Stay away from anything distracting, like a television, until you're finished for the day.
Reward yourself for your accomplishments. Did you meet all your deadlines? Accomplish any goals? Treat yourself to something you enjoy (a snack, an outing, etc). You've earned it.
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