Good Customer Service Equals Good Sales
Author: karen grahams
One of the oldest adages in business asserts that the customer is always right. Another claims that the customer comes first. These clichés exist for good reason. Without customers there is no revenue. Without revenue there is no company. Hence, it stands to reason one should strive to provide a very high level of customer service.
Know Them As People
Humans like to be recognized as individuals. When you or your employees remember their name and some other tidbit about them it makes them feel special. You are recognizing them as a person as opposed to just another customer. A few well placed words can ensure a customer for life.
Fix The Problem
Inevitably, all businesses will face the necessity of dealing with an upset customer. In this arena, as indicated, the customer is always right. This is so even when they're wrong. Placating an upset customer goes beyond that given person's future patronage. Customers who feel they have been wronged have a proclivity to express this opinion strongly to friends, family and coworkers. Like the game of telephone, those people then tell others. One bad customer experience can result in a viral adverse campaign. This is especially so for businesses located in small communities. Failure to effectively assuage an upset customer can lead to significant lost business.
Put On Your Listening Ears
The best way to avoid upset customers is to truly listen to and be attuned to what they are saying. This is a hallmark of good customer service. It is impossible to please a customer if you don't understand what they desire. Ineffective communication is the root cause of a majority of customer service issues.
Always Dress Your Best
This doesn't necessarily refer to you as the owner. It means your business should always be dressed sharply. This relates to everything from your business card printing producing to your full color business cards. Each little thing that meets a customer's eye must reflect the spirit and values of your business. Boring marketing materials will translate to bored customers.
Honesty Is The Best Policy
It goes without saying, but you should always be honest with your customers. If a customer feels deceived they will be sure to make their feelings very clear. This is especially so with the advent of the Internet. Bad word can travel quite quickly. Instill this belief into all your employees. The reputation of your business is its most valuable asset and should be protected at all costs.
Train Your Employees Well
Incompetent staff is a major reason for lost customers. Your clients will not tolerate poor service. The best marketing strategy and full color business cards won't make up for inferior customer satisfaction. Proper training translates to efficient employees. Your training is a key component of your customer service regimen.
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