Is the Internet Paying You?
Author: Gene Johnson
Is The Internet Paying You?
Your guide to a Truly FREE Internet income!
By Gene Johnson
I’ve tried to earn an income from the internet for a very long time! For the most
part my efforts were unsuccessful!
I’ve sold on eBay. I’ve been an affiliate for so many programs and products it’s not funny! I built and ran a site selling ebooks, pdfs, and software about earning an income from the internet. (And I’ve got a library to prove it!)
When I finally found something that relieved my own nasty migraines, I built and ran a site selling those herbal heating and cooling pads.
If you actually use a product, believe in it, can vouch for its effectiveness, and religiously use it you’ve got a sure thing right?
Ummmmm, no!
For the examples given above I invested time, money, and quite a bit of effort and determination! I didn’t even know what HTML stood for when I started! (HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language) Every site you see has HTML in it somewhere! It’s the ‘language’that makes the internet work.
We’ve all heard someone say, “You have to spend money to make money” right? This statement is true for what I am about to explain too BUT the only actual money you will spend is for your internet connection. And you are already paying that aren’t you?
Do you want to make money online? There is a very simple system. This is exactly what I used to get started and still use today!
Section 1 - The Plan
Section 2 – Your Plan
Section Three – Multiplying Your Efforts
The Plan
Section 1
I only started making reliable and consistent money from the internet once I actually wrote out a plan! Now I know there are people out there going…
“Write a plan? Why would I write one out? I know what I want!”
If you take the time to write out an actual Plan and stick to it, you not only reach
but significantly increase the $ Return $ on your efforts and your chances of reaching
your goal. Hear me and believe me here!
I had a little experience with GPT (Get Paid To) sites. The idea of getting paid to read email, complete surveys, and simply visit sites sounded to good to be true but it definitely got my interest! I quickly found myself bogged down wanting to participate in every GPT site I could find! What a chaotic time I had! But when I slowed down, did my Homework and logically planned how to approach it, the chaos dissipated. So, the absolute first step is The Plan.
“Oh, I only want to make a lil extra spending money” I hear someone saying. That’s fine, there is nothing wrong with that! A written Plan will keep you on track and give you chronological steps to accomplish that goal. It doesn’t have to be a complicated document finely detailing every minor step. At a minimum it should identify the steps you take to accomplish your goal! Ok, time for a simple example.
Let’s say your dog needs a dog house. A simple plan could look something like this.
Buy materials
Let Fido move in
Even in this simple example the need for a plan becomes clear right from the
start! Buy what materials? Oh, some two by fours and maybe some plywood and some
nails. But how much or how many? You see, you NEED a plan in order to get where you
want to go! The same holds true for our plan!
You need to answer a few simple questions.
- How much time can you commit per week?
- Can you accomplish daily tasks or are weekly ones better?
- How much money do you want to make?
These questions seem simple but are they are vital to your success or failure!
Let’s answer these questions for our example plan.
- How much time can you commit per week?
I can spare up to thirty minutes a day.
- Can you accomplish daily tasks or are weekly ones better?
Weekly would be better with my hectic schedule and all but every
other day will work.
- How much money do you want to make?
Let’s say $30 per month for starters and see if this GPT idea actually pays.
I know my answer to this last one was, “As much as I can!” Start slow, stay vigilant, and STICK TO YOUR PLAN and it will pay off!
Your Plan
Section 2
Ok, I’ll get off of that soap box now! If you are still reading I at least have your curiosity up.
Now we’re actually going to write out Your Plan. This simple example is not etched in stone! It covers the basics but can be customized to fit Your schedule, Your goals, and You.
There are many GPT sites out there with new ones popping up daily! Don’t be fooled, they are NOT all the same. Some are flat out scams! For our Plan I am going to use a GPT site that;
1. That I did my homework on!
2. I have had consistent positive returns from.
3. Is Reputable.
CashCrate has only been around since February 2006 BUT I would have to rank them number One for dependability, consistency, as well as ease of use. They are an ideal GPT site to start with!
I’m not going to go into much detail here about the all of the options or finer points
about CashCrate. I simply am going to use them for our example for the reasons
explained above.
After you join (NO COST INCURRED HERE!) Simply follow this Plan. Don’t let the simplicity of this Plan deceive you!
Your Plan
Daily Surveys Cash Offers
First Second 20 minutes
CashCrate offers something called a Daily Survey. After you log in and before you scroll anywhere there are three dark green links at the bottom of the page.
Cash Offers Points Offers Daily Surveys
You are allowed to complete two new surveys every twenty four hours. These are simple and relatively short surveys. As you complete each daily survey simply mark Your Plan accordingly.
The other column is Cash Offers. Log in and go to the members area. Click on Cash Offers. Two drop down boxes appear titled Show and Sort by. This is my own
personal preference here but I Show (and only do) the 100% Free offers! Choose how
you want the offers to be sorted and click Go!
Scroll through the results and complete one or a few. Don't overload yourself trying to complete every offer. You'll burn out quick and the thing that multiplies your efforts is yet to come! Multiplies without you doing more surveys and offers! Get referrals! That word was a huge turn off to me when I first started with all of this! A turn off because it brings up visions of MLM (Multi Level Marketing), organizations like
Amway, and many other unpleasant visions. But these examples have nothing to do with my definition of referral!
Multiplying Your Efforts
Section Three
If you’ve tried GPT (Get Paid To) sites, it can be frustrating because of the way the surveys are set up. They can be tedious and repetitive, and sometimes not worth the buck or two you are going to make.
Well, if you want to make money with these programs - the key is to gain referrals. The more referrals you have, the more money you will make. This is the big secret - how do you get referrals for these programs? Well, here’s how I built up my
referral base on a ‘Get Paid To’ program. I am now receiving monthly checks from that program! And I spend about 15 minutes a day working on this. That’s it.
1. Step one - Obviously you have to register with a ‘Get Paid To’ program. It’s important to choose one with a good referral set-up as that’s how you’ll make the most money. The program that I’ve had the most success with is CashCrate. If you haven’t signed up with a program - please, use my link, as it’ll help me buy that Ferrari I’ve
always wanted. Ok, maybe not, but it’ll help me out somehow - perhaps some help with college for the boys. But regardless - this system will work with any ‘Get Paid To’ program that has referral payouts.
2. Sign up for a Gmail Account. It’s a free email that we will be using to drive traffic to a review page.
3. Write a review of your site (yes, you can even review the site that you are an affiliate for) on a free host. You can use a blogging platform like Blogger, or find a site that lets you create free web pages like AwardSpace. If you have your own blog already, you can always write a review on that blog.
In your review I’ve found that the more you write - the better. I’m not saying fill it with crap, but you need to let your personal experiences come out and let the reader know that you’ve worked with the program. Give them some pointers on how to use the program - I always liked to emphasize the ‘daily surveys’ that most sites have. Most of these ‘daily surveys’ pay around 1 dollar and take about 5 minutes to complete. On sites like CashCrate, you can do up to 2 of them per day. So, if a person does those and only those everyday, they’ll make 50 or 60 bucks that month for 10 minutes work.
Other points to mention:
The time it takes to complete an offer - on average for most of these sites it’s
anywhere from 5 - 10 minutes
How you get paid - check or Paypal generally
When you get paid
How easy it is to make some extra cash on these sites
Be sure to include your affiliate link in the review so that they sign up and you get
credit. The more info you give out in the review, the better (in my experience). My more
lengthy reviews have always converted better. I have one review that converts about 1 in
3 readers…
4. Find a classified site that allows you to post ads. I’ve always used and had the most
success with Craig’s List. Register an account with the Gmail account that you created in
step 2.
5. Write 5 separate ads. An example:
Online Surveys - P/T
Complete Surveys and offers in your spare time from your home computer and make a
little bit of extra cash each month to help with bills. No selling and no fees of any kind.
Email for more info.
That’s it. Here’s another example:
Offers and Surveys Part Time
Do you have an extra 10 minutes each day? Use that 10 minutes to make an extra $50
bucks each month by completing online surveys and offers. No fees and no selling of any
kind. Email for more info.
Write 5 ads. Be as explicit as you can in 3 sentences or less. Don’t try to fool anybody by
not making it clear what they are going to be doing. Tell them it is for surveys and
offers. That way, when they read your review, they’ll already have a little expectation on
what they’ll need to do to make money. Don’t try to be fancy - simply tell them what it is
for, and how much they can make.
6. Post your 5 ads in 5 different cities every day. Don’t do more than that, there’s no
need to and you’re ads will simply be flagged. Also - I would always post in the ‘etc’
sections of the jobs board. Don’t try to post in other sections - nobody will be
interested and they’ll just flag your posting. After a week or so posting 5 ads a day, I
was getting anywhere from 10 - 20 new sign ups for my program each day. Some of your
ads will be flagged or removed, but the majority of them won’t, and over time you’ll have
a bunch of ads placed that will be drawing interest.
7. Once or twice a day go into the Gmail account and reply to the emails. In your reply
simply say thanks for your interest, here’s a page I set up to explain the program. Give
them a link to your review.
You could set up the vacation responder - but for some reason I’ve had more success by
simply doing it one at a time. I have a draft email that I simply cut and paste into the
reply - sometimes I’ll say something responding to their interest email if they’ve asked a
specific question. I’m not exactly sure why this works better, it just has - you can try it
either way obviously - I’m just sharing my experience.
8. That’s it. That’s all you have to do to build a large referral network for your ‘Get Paid
To’ program. Like I said, I spend about 15 minutes a day on this - tweaking and placing
ads, responding to the interest emails.
I completed a total of 3 offers myself when I first signed up for the program. Since
then I’ve made all the money simply through getting the referrals. And that’s a lot
easier than filling out the offers anyways.
Getting referrals is not as hard as you might think! You have many avenues to collect
referrals. I won't go into great detail here but the following are just a few.
Blogs & Forums – There are many blogs and forums out there that you could post
to. A lil tip here. Some blogs and forums will not let you simply post your affiliate link in
your post to try to get referrals. DON'T do this! Others have specific sections or areas
for doing this. Simply add your affiliate link to your Signature as well as your profile for
each. Each blog or forum has different ways to do this. See the Help section for each
for help on this or see How To Make a Signature File on my site.
Email signatures – Simply add your affiliate link to your email signature for even
more exposure. Everyone you send an email to will see your link! Even if you email cousin
Betty about your family reunion.
To summarize,
- Join a GPT site (I highly suggest CashCrate. Not only an excellent site but this is
my link)
- Print out and use 'Your Plan' above.
- Get referrals as described in Section Three - 'Multiplying Your Efforts'
Simple enough right? Now the ball is in Your court! Have fun!.
Gene Johnson operates Since 2006, he has tried to gather reliable and honest resources to help his visitors succeed in their efforts to earn an income from the internet. He can be reached
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