Pre Screened MLM Leads
Author: Bob Alter
Pre Qualified MLM Leads have had a tough time lately simply because of a negative ad campaign by a lot of networkers who really don't know how to use them.. Basically it boils down to Magnetic Sponsoring. As more and more people starting using magnetic sponsoring, more and more people found out that a negative ad campaign will increase their sales of the magnetic sponsoring ebook. The question now becomes: are these people speaking the truth or are they fudging the truth? I'll let you be the judge.
Pre Screened MLM Leads are expensive as some of you have already found out. Magnetic Sponsoring teaches people to create advertising that magnetically attracts people to their ad. They place these ad's all over the internet, including pay per clicks, my space, squidoo, ezine's, You Tube, etc. Truth be told, these people have done a great job, because they are generating some great leads and making some good money doing this. Does all this mean that these leads are no good?
What is the definition of a Pre Screened or Pre Qualified MLM Lead?
A pre-qualified MLM lead has been contacted by phone. This prospect has given them permission to be contacted by someone of a particular company and they understand that this person will share their business opportunity with them. These people (prospects) understand they will need time and money to start a home based business.
Trained telemarketers average 50 dials before they come up with one solid lead. That is why these leads are pricey. MLM Brokers usually have a contract with a telemarketing firm and they try hard to keep the cost around $5 per lead. The problem arises when you have some upstart mlm brokers who are trying to cheat the system by producing pre screened leads entirely on the internet. There is a huge difference between leads generated online and those generated by telemarketers. Telemarketer leads are very good leads.
Another form of pre qualified leads are those that come from your sponsor. If you are lucky enoug to have a sponsor who is flooded with leads from time to time, they will pass them down to you. It is your job to follow up with these leads and sponsor these people into your business. Sometimes we call these "hand me down" leads. That is because your sponsor can't work all the leads so they hand them down to you. Make sense?
Here is the key to working any type of lead and even the magnetic sponsoring people can do it.
1. get free information into your prospects hands and get them into your autoresponder
2. offer them a "cheap" information book (usually $5) on the industry or spotting scam artists
3. build your relationship with them including the trust factor via your autoresponder
4. converting them into downline members
Earlier I spoke about using these leads for certain companies. These types of leads work best for australian 2 up businesses or any company that has products listed from $500 and up. If you are offering a service or nutritional products, then please do not use these types of leads. It is a waste of money in my book.
I'd go out on a limb and say that most people who are using the negative ad campaign for magnetic sponsoring was never taught how and when to use pre qualified mlm leads. If you still want to work pre qualified leads for a mlm business then you need to find a good product in "step 2 above" that will sell like hot cakes. That is about the only way to make it work. If you have an automated system that will continually follow up with your prospects then your chances of breaking even on lead purchased plus product sales dramatically improve.
Automate Your Pre Qualified MLM Leads System
{{{The automation part of this equation is not some downline sponsoring trick. It is a carefully thought out and planned process that leads your prospects from one funnel to the next. Each step teaches your prospects about your sales funnel and product at the same time.|The internet allows you to create a automated system. Carefully plan your each step of your sales process and teach your prospects how they can use this system to help them earn passive income. Please do not confuse this automated system with the downline building systems that trick people. There is a huge difference and prospects do not like to be tricked into purchasing your products. How would you feel if you were tricked into purchasing a product?
Who should use these types of leads?
Experienced networkers who have a high end program and use the phone are the best candidates for these types of leads. Beginners should stay about a thousand miles away from them.
If you follow the steps above, then Buying MLM Leads Will be Fun-- Once Again because your downline is growing like crazy.
Make it a sponsoring frenzy week.
Wanna know who the best of the best is? Save yourself time and money right now: Pre Qualified MLM Leads. Bob has reached the top of 3 different network marketing companies using mlm leads exclusively. Learn how he did it: MLM Leads.
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